The Manual - Corrections/Omissions


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
Hoping to get a running thread here concerning mistakes and omissions in the service manual. I'll get the ball rolling, but hoping others will chime in with other instances...

Here we go, in no certain order....

  • On page 49 the exhaust valve clearance is incorrect. It's obviously .23 not .023
  • To remove the camshaft cover one bolt is difficult to get to. The manual says to remove the left side cover- not necessary. Remove the right one (pops off) to help with removing the bolt.
  • The service manual instructs you to remove the camshaft cover from the left side of the bike. Well, you're going to have to jump over the fuel connect and it's fragile. I got it out on the right side easily and think that's a typo along with the need to remove the left side cover (above).
  • There are three decompressors on the exhaust camshaft. They are not mentioned anywhere in the service manual other than listing them in a diagram of the camshafts. It does not give any instruction on disabling them when checking valve clearances, which it turns out that you must do. You simply rotate them to their neutral position.
  • Bleeding the clutch is not described in the manual, but it's the same procedure as bleeding the front brake. Go to 1,076 - 1077 for information about the front brake master cylinder "Bleeding Screw" along with a description of the process. In the diagram of the clutch the bleeding screw is referred to as the "Sealing screw." Same, same.
  • There is a whole discussion about the recommended octane, as it's not consistent in the manual. If someone can find the link please post it. I'm now running mid-grade (89) for what it's worth.
  • To be cont....
There are inconsistencies in stated torque values for fasteners. For example, the screws at the ends of the handlebar are, depending on where you look, listed as either 5 Nm or 10 Nm.

I've reported some of the issues I've found through the reporting function in the online portal, but so far nothing has been done.
one of the early rocket manuals errows
electrical diagrams from the battery/ignition to the fuses is all messed up.
also the direction of the tps is wrong.