"The Wife" rides an 06 Sporty 1200 Low (some carb work and air cleaner kit only mods). She likes it enough to keep us on the road on ride-able weekends. 'Offered her Molinoman's ride - she's happy with the Sporty fearing the HP and 800 lb weight. Most of our riding buddies ride behind us and watch at a distance at her 90 mph approach to Wolf Creek Pass.
No way I would consider trade-in for HD. When I first entertained an upgrade to the '82 900 CBC - I had the kitchen pass for a V-Rod. At 6'4" too cramped a ride for 300 and above mile days.
As to dealers - local one here in Colorado Springs is good enough on Service - on the Sale couldn't get the time of day from them when buying (even with my list of profit driving accouterments in hand). I ended up driving 60 miles to Lakewood, CO for the purchase. Also seems to have a good service department with Scrambler loaners.