The "Competitive Bike Trade Advantage" ad

even with my step father that worked for harley for 35 years that gets 25% off m.s.r.p i won't buy a nether one if you like bad performance and unreliabity then thats the bike you want !!
even with my step father that worked for harley for 35 years that gets 25% off m.s.r.p i won't buy a nether one if you like bad performance and unreliabity then thats the bike you want !!

I get disappointed every time I ride my Harley. It's like a $20,000 statue sitting in the garage! :mad:
i feel you'r pain i rode hd for years then i wised up sold all my hd's bought a 04 victory kingpin **** nice ride just sold that one and got a 08 r3 classic can't wait t'ill spring !!
i feel you'r pain i rode hd for years then i wised up sold all my hd's bought a 04 victory kingpin **** nice ride just sold that one and got a 08 r3 classic can't wait t'ill spring !!

I had an 06 Classic. You will Love it! I remember when I sold it and got on my new Harley for the first time. I was sitting at a light and it was idling so rough and I was bouncing up and down. I was thinking...what did I do. A year later I had an 08 R3 Touring and I love it too! ;)
I always enjoy the oportunity to ride a friends Harley, but always worry that one will ask to ride mine. For now, they are all afraid of it and couldn't even be talked into it. At some time in the future one will inevitably try it and scare the hell out of me, but I am curious what their reaction will be.
So far the only requests to ride it have come from the kids (under 40) at work who ride ****** rockets and I've told them to forget it.
I always enjoy the oportunity to ride a friends Harley, but always worry that one will ask to ride mine. For now, they are all afraid of it and couldn't even be talked into it. At some time in the future one will inevitably try it and scare the hell out of me, but I am curious what their reaction will be.
So far the only requests to ride it have come from the kids (under 40) at work who ride ****** rockets and I've told them to forget it.

My son who rides a Harley 883 Sportster took mine around the block. Thought it was fast but evidently wasn't Harleyish enough for him to enjoy...:rolleyes:
I've only riden three different Harleys. The first was a Sportster that I thought about buying when I got back into riding. It was fun, but anything with two wheels would have been at that moment. It felt small and LOUD. I felt like I'd been beat with a dead Jack rabbit and that I needed to go have my fillings checked out by the dentist by the time I was through.Then I test road a Ultra Classic. It was a hundred degree's that day and my wife thought her ankles were being roasted. Also I felt cramped, like my elbows were in my chest. Odd I thought for such a big bike. The last Harley I rode was a buddies Street Bob. Nice bike but my Speed Four (600cc) could easily beat it. I just don't get the Harley craze, nice bikes but for me it would be like going to a school where you have to wear the same uniform as everyone else. From my back yard I can see a state highway and I'd bet that 90 percent of the bikes that go by on any given day are Harleys. Honestly back then before I realized all of the above, I really bad wanted a Fat Boy (motorcyle, before you perv's comment:)), but it was the Harley dealership's attitude that drove me away. They (more than one) acted like they were doing me a favor if I could ever get a salesman to even talk to me. When I went to the Triumph dealer, within ten minutes I was test driving an America that I was interested in. And when I went back interested in the Rocket, he let me bring home the demo for the weekend. If for no other reason, that's why I'll probably always ride a Triumph.
One thing Triumph has right is test rides ... they want you on a bike ASAP and don't care who you are. While I was shopping around this last time all the other dealers were acting like I was asking to ride their personal bike, Triumph said Hi, how are ya, here's the keys. Even when I stop in for parts or service the sales dept is offering me a Triumph to tool around on. It's too bad the service dept can't set an appointment when I need it or fix whats broke.
I got one that trumps all the dealer woes!!!!!! The dealer I purchased my R3T from actually had the nerve to send a letter to former buyers ( I'm assuming it wasnt just for me :D) and ask them for a loan or donation!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently they are running out of capital and the local banks wont loan them any money!!!!! So I ask why would I sink my hard earned dollars into a business I know nothing about or how its ran. And from past experience not very well either. I had tried to buy stuff from them and it was a hassle. They are not a good dealer in terms of service or support. Oh they were before the purchase but after they sucked!!!!!
Even when triumph recalled the tires it took them almost to the end date before they got me in to replace them despite the fact that 2 months earlier I was there when they received a batch but they couldnt be bothered with setting up an appointment. I also informed them that I had my first service soon and that would be a good oppurtunity to knock all this stuff out. Nope!!!! Couldnt be bothered.
NOW they want my money to keep going!!!!!!!!! WTF??!!!! They have not done anything for me I couldnt do myself (knock wood...knock wood). Barring any warranty work. Now this dealer is close to me say.....15 min drive. The next closest is 80miles (could be 15mins with the rocket!! ha!ha!) So okay an hour drive 45 mins more on a great bike!!!!!
So I guess Im saying I will not lose any sleep over this and if they go down I will take advantage of the GOOB sale!!!! Life is rough :cool:

One thing Triumph has right is test rides ... they want you on a bike ASAP and don't care who you are. While I was shopping around this last time all the other dealers were acting like I was asking to ride their personal bike, Triumph said Hi, how are ya, here's the keys. Even when I stop in for parts or service the sales dept is offering me a Triumph to tool around on. It's too bad the service dept can't set an appointment when I need it or fix whats broke.

Most dealers ( Japanese bikes) around here claim the mfg. won't allow test rides, due to "liability". I think it's a line of B.S. I won't buy a vehicle I can't first test drive!