TFC Flat Out

So on a controlled road out west I ran the new bike flat out. 146 mph indicated on the speedometer. It is definitely limited by the ECU to that speed. If the nannies could be turned off it would do more.

BTW that’s pretty fast on a naked cruiser.;)
If you strip down to just swim trunks and lay prone on the fuel injected 2500cc TFC, you might reach 150mph like Rollie Free did in 1950 on a 1000cc Vincent V-twin with carburetors.
....for me...its the torque...nothing like feeling that pure grunt! being in a v8 from take off!!...or being in a 737 as it powers it!...if someone whistles passed me at when im sitting on what?...dosnt faze me...i'm still grinning from the take off feeling.
....for me...its the torque...nothing like feeling that pure grunt! being in a v8 from take off!!...or being in a 737 as it powers it!...if someone whistles passed me at when im sitting on what?...dosnt faze me...i'm still grinning from the take off feeling.
My feeling and experience exactly 😁 Had a Ram Hemi half ton try to pass me over double yellow lines just as a speed limit increased from 60 to 100 kph. I hauled on it, left him gawking but he gave me the bird as I finally let him pass. Yeah, I know I gotta behave but just sometimes 👿
I bought a used 1969 Triumph Trident back in the early 1970s... Riding it home to Seattle right after I bought it, I really cracked the throttle wide open and was thrilled. I became even more "thrilled" when I let off the throttle but the throttle didn't actually close and it continued to accelerate way too fast. Holy crap! WTF?!? 😧 After I got into triple digits, I finally realized I was going for a ride I really didn't want and hit the kill switch. I coasted into the breakdown lane on I-5 and after wishing I had a change of underwear, I checked and found out the previous owner had put some kind of unknown wiring job too close to the throttle bar for the carbs. The wire had gotten got caught under the throttle bar and kept it wide open... Being thankful I didn't have diarrhea to highlight my response to the incident, I drove home somewhat chastened and then cut off the offending wiring after I couldn't find a reason for it.
Up here if you are tearing it up the cops are not supposed to chase you, the older ones usually don't, the younger ones have something to prove so they usually will put up a chase. According to my uncle who is a staff sergeant at one of the divisions, the old guys have it down to a science now, you fly by them, and they will speed up, but no lights or sirens, just fast enough to keep tabs on where your headed, then they call in the chopper, and the chopper finds you, but hangs back out of site, and follows you home, or where ever you are going, then radios back to the other cops your location, and they just come and pay you a visit and deal with you there, and they bring the tow truck to take the bike away for impound even if it is at home and in the garage.
And I thought all the Canadian police still rode horses