TFC Flat Out

Like Germany or the Northern Territory here in Oz where it was open speed limit outside town limits until I left after 23 years in 2003 now just 140Kmh. Always felt great passing cop cars (Hilux pickups with cages on back usually out in the boondocks) at 180 + and waving!
I spent many years doing 200kmh + driving from Darwin to Alice Springs in stock work and rental cars, about 1650 km or just over a 1000 mile with often 200-300km between any fuel stops and most just a road house then.
I saw 147 mph for a second then it went down one and held there. It was not at the red line. The ECU shuts off the fuel at that speed and it will not go faster. There is no way mine will go 157.8 mph. Go try it again and verify if you can.
Funny how we are the only animals that do this kind of thing.
Be safe and don't take excessive risk.
At 146

Dont worry, at 136mph cops just flicker the lights on, they dont even try
With my luck the cop would be in a Dodge Charger.
Wouldn't matter on the Blackbird, right, Lupe? The time I hit 162 on it, I went by a cop going the other way at 120, I figured in for a dime, in for a dollar. I have no idea if he turned around, I was a long way away in a minute.
Wouldn't matter on the Blackbird, right, Lupe? The time I hit 162 on it, I went by a cop going the other way at 120, I figured in for a dime, in for a dollar. I have no idea if he turned around, I was a long way away in a minute.
Old hooligan