Tank slapper

IT only takes one TANKSLAPPER to bust your ass so CARTIRES and TRAILERS can be deadly so I stay with the proper set up and tires designed for motorcycles I ve had some scary rides on Dragbikes with Flat race slicks and they will put you in some outrageous TANKSLAPPERS on the big TURBO FUNNYBIKES SO stick with motorcycle tires for street riding thats what they are designed for And towing a trailer can get you in serious trouble whats going to happen in an emergency stop from 80+ mph its going to be a scary ride for sure

I can't confirm if she is an actual slapper, in that very English sense of the word, but she is clearly touching the tank..

I read this entire thread and I gotta say, my idea of a tank slapper is way different to all y'alls...

I can't confirm if she is an actual slapper, in that very English sense of the word, but she is clearly touching the tank..

I read this entire thread and I gotta say, my idea of a tank slapper is way different to all y'alls...

Well, she could slap my tank and yank my bar back and forth...Oh, sorry wrong kind of slapping.
I'll stay on the dark side The trailer is set up with electric brakes and I recently added a Redarc remote control unit on the bike so I can adjust the braking on the trailer. For the all up weight of just over 800kgs, she pulls up very quickly.
YES a lot of the mechanics tighten the head bearings to much and that will cause tankslappers
Actually I think mine was not tight enough. If memory serves correct, the manual tells you to tighten to a certain torque, then loosen 1/4 turn. I believe that's where most of the problems come from.

I can't confirm if she is an actual slapper, in that very English sense of the word, but she is clearly touching the tank..

I read this entire thread and I gotta say, my idea of a tank slapper is way different to all y'alls...

Oh, Messr. Hunt, you nasty boy...

Tank-top slapper:

Professional Grade Tank Slappers:


I can't confirm if she is an actual slapper, in that very English sense of the word, but she is clearly touching the tank..
I read this entire thread and I gotta say, my idea of a tank slapper is way different to all y'alls...

I DO LIKE where you be going with this particular "tank slapper" concept!!!
I have ridden my roadstar for as long as 15 minutes hands off. Balanced perfectly. Never managed to be able to do that with any Harleys I have rented over the years.