My son scraped my tank with his ski while it was in the garage. Its a small scratch but did go down to the primer. As I notice it every time I look down, I'd like to get it fixed and will likely need to take it to someone. I am in Southern Cal and my Triumph shop has a guy but he is busy for the next three months. Does anyone have a recommendation or dealt with a scratch before - particularly in the LA area? Thanks in advance.
I accidentally touched mine with my knife and put a 2" scratch in it right on the side, man that stuck out like a sore thumb

, Jet Black and white primer. Ugh.
It just takes a small compressor, you can buy an air brush set-up at harbor freight for like $70, than order a 2oz touch-up jar of paint at and do this, I used 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper before painting, oh and don't forget to get a 2oz jar of clear coat touch-up and reducer, get syringes and mix 4ml of each paint/reducer in the air brush, let it dry overnight before finish sanding with 1000 than 3000 and finally polish it!!!
Mine you can't even tell, I wish I did a before and after pics, but I basically did the same thing on a dime size dent I had on the top of the front fender and here's the photos, not perfect, but if you didn't know it was there you'll never pick out the imperfections, I polished it with a rotary polisher and burned through a little, so it's a little wavy. Good luck, the paint will probably cost you about $100 with reducer, but it's a urethane paint and really matches good and you'll have a lot more for when the other varments come to town, can you say GRAND KIDS

I had a couple other small chips it worked good on, check out this YouTube video, if you do it right, it works good, he's putting a little reducer on the rag and taking it down, feathering the edge's, but I still had to sand and polish a little bit.
Good luck, it probably cost me about $150 to do but I have a lot of paint left over for the future, let's hope I don't need it
I have a 2008 R3T, If you want to see some other stuff I've done sense I got it last April look up what have you done to your rocket lately, good luck, enjoy the Ride, hey you could always say it's custom