Just a word of caution to any bike that is under warranity and you elect to do your own service. Just keep your sales receipts for a record, so if anything does go haywire with your bike you can show your receipts to the dealership. Anyway thats what my dealer told me.
Largely thanks to this site - I've been able to do almost all of the maintenance on my Rocket. I've found that the next best thing to riding the Rocket is wrenching on it.

Speak for yourself,
I had to buy all new tools to wrench on this thing.
I didn't have anything metric, all SAE.
Now I've got everything I need except a valve tool.
but yes, the experience of others has proved invaluable at times.
First off welcome to the site Jeff from Irvine Kentucky, I think my first service ended up costing me $240.00 and I took it in for a valve adjustment 400.00 the only other time that I take it to the shop has been warranty which is now ran out, Everything else as far as maintenance I do myself. I have a service manual and everything except a valve adjustment tools but will have those. The service manager at my dealership sees me coming in he says well I know you're not here to have it worked on:D
Hi and welcome
I had the first service done at the dealers and was shocked at the price :eek:
But having no mechanical skills i thought i was beat until i found a indepedent Triumph
wrench. Great guy and great service,knows his stuff and there must be something
wrong with me..because i like giving him money :D

Hi Jeff welcome from Perth W.A.

It seems they do what they like with regards to service Prices here was $80/hour now $100.. pius parts...so being a wrencher I am doing my own :D
I don't know about other makes of bikes as have only had two makes in the past 15 years, mostly Harley's, but in the past 9 months the Rocket.

I thought that H-D's servicing and parts costs were the biggest rip-off on the planet, that was until I got the Rocket and then realised that Triumph were also easily in that category. In some respects they are worse - a typical example is that the Rocket rear wheel drive unit is a none serviceable item, even for something as simple and cheap as an oil seal - OUTRAGEOUS. :mad: At least on the Harley's I was able to get everything that was needed right down to the last nut and bolt.

Once the warranties were out I did everything on my Harley's and it will be the same on the Rocket unless I haven't got the equipment to do the job.
Shop rate plus parts = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I do my own preventive maintenance and save $$$$$$$$$$$ (parts aint cheap).;)
500 Mile Service.

Just had mine (500 Mile Svc)done here at Triumph Dealership in El paso, TX USA. It cost me $277.00 I could not believe it. The owners manual just lists a few inspection areas, bolt tightness checks etc and the oil change! I asked them what would they charge just for an oil change & they said about $38.00.
Just had my 500 mile service done here in northern Virginia - $317. Also had a stalling problem. They said Triumph had a new tune for it, and now "it's running fine." That was covered under warranty they said. With all the good info here, I'm mighty tempted to do my own. I'll have my first good look when I uncover everything to install the McCruise control. I also have the Eastern Beaver headlight relay and 50A fuse block kits to install.
It's been 11 years since I've bought a new bike but after buying a new R3 roadster a month ago I just cleared 500 mi. and brought it in for the first service, (oil, filter,and general check up) I thought it would have been a free service, but I was told it would cost about $190. How many of you out there ran into the same thing or am I expecting too much from a Triumph dealer ? I understand oil isn't cheap but I think if I owned a dealership I would cover the first service just for good customer relations and publicity, they'll be more likely to come back for more service.

What's your opinion.


<-- Paid $390.00 for first service :/

Living in Hawaii is ****. This is the main reason why, Hawaiians trying to constantly rip off service members.

Was quoted $388.00 for an Avon AV72 240/50R16 including installation. WTF ! ! ! That works out to about a $220.00 mark-up from invoice price for them, all because the parts sites wont ship tires out here, so the shops gouge the hell out of customers.
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