Mike Sands
Symptoms today were that first the left heated grip went off then the right about 10 minutes later then I noticed that nothing was working on the tach and the needle was stuck at 3000rpm. Checked fuses and found a 10amp blown. Replaced it and on starting tach began to sweep and the normal checklights came on briefly before failing again. Found the 10amp fuse blown again. Put a third one in and it blew too .... Bought some trekmates inner gloves and rode home with cold hands.
Any suggestion for me to tell the dealer on Monday ... they are OK but relatively new to Triumph, so any pointer we can give them I'm sure they'd appreciate.
Bike's done 12k miles but is still under warranty.
Any suggestion for me to tell the dealer on Monday ... they are OK but relatively new to Triumph, so any pointer we can give them I'm sure they'd appreciate.
Bike's done 12k miles but is still under warranty.