Swap my Roadster Controls For Standard ones

What a shame that people wasted their time helping you!

Just my 'opinion'
I'm a tolerant person I love these guys on here like my brother's Hellfire has had his fair Share of Hardship in recent times yet not once did he mention it you on the other hand kept shoving it down our throat now I am going to to be blunt. I think you Gary are arogrant rude and not worthy to be an owner of a Rocket cos Rocket captains as a Rule are Great blokes that as hellfire did, offered you a good deal and you spat in his face here on a public forum has only done one thing... shown us all what an arsehole you are, at the beginning of the thread I was still getting prices on my Classic footboards conversition for my std and was even going to offer them to you for shipping costs alone but now my boards will be here soon and my std set up can rust in back of the shed for all I care cos I wouldn't even consider it now, I'm so glad you have shown your true colors and even prayers from some of our religious members would not save your sorry arse, have a Sh1t of a day
Maybe he'll send you a refund for the difference after he deducts his time to locate and inspect the parts (don't want to sell a fellow Rocket Captain any damaged parts), scrounge or buy the packing material to ensure the parts are wrapped to prevent damage during shipping, find the right size box, pack everything carefully then tape it shut (have you seen the price for a roll of packing tape lately?), print out a label and tape it to the box securely, drive to the post office (gas is really cheap these days, hopefully he only burned a gallon or two), pay for the actual shipping (which you already have the price for), drive home, and send a PM or email to let you know the box is on its way. He probably only sank an hour or two of his time to complete this sale....what's minimum wage these days, maybe $7.20/hour?

Good luck with the parts....hope you don't have to spend any more money to get these fitted.

Let us know if we can do you any more favors in the future since we all know how grateful and respectful you can be......
I wasn't going to post his latest email with my response here just to be "nice" since he continues to embarrass himself, but after calling me a thief I just can't resist. Remember, start from the bottom and read up, the top one is my final correspondence with him ... lol

It was the same Triumph box my floor board kit arrived in and packed in the same manner with the same materials. It was in perfect condition when it left with no holes. Consider the extra $17 payment for putting up with your sorry ass, and from that standpoint it wasn’t nearly enough “handling” to cover the aggravation. Anyone else on R3.com I’d sent them a check for the difference. You were lucky there are guys on the site nicer than me or you wouldn’t have received them at all. After I told you that “you had pissed me off and they were no longer for sale”, they asked me to give you a break and reconsider your plea for forgiveness, and yet you still make me sorry I did.

I hadn’t blocked your emails waiting to hear that they arrived, now that’s out of the way it will be the next thing I do.

From: glmdk2@peoplepc.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:32 AM
To: dkjohannes@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Bank MO

Your box got here,a little tired but it made it with a hole in the bottom as well as the in the side of it with one foot peg sticking out and the other was a end mount off the rail broke through the tired box. Nothing damaged though, good thing too, you forgot to insure it. Im curious, how did it get to be 25 pounds? Your scale must have been off. As all your web friends said, whats a couple extra bucks for shipping ,guess Im too greedy.Only $22 and change left out of the $40 I sent you extra for shipping over and above cost for shipping. That’s wonderful and very generous of you. Have a great day, sleep well. BTW, when you tell a story, make sure you don't leave anything out.

From: dkjohannes@comcast.net
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:32 PM
To: glmdk2@peoplepc.com
Subject: Re: Bank MO

USPS Tracking Number 03111660000181905565

From: glmdk2@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 8:27 PM
To: dkjohannes@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Bank MO

Kelly,Id sure appreciate it if youd take time to post me that you have sent my parts,and if you used a del/Confirmation of any kind so I can keep a eye out for them and make sure Im home when they are due here.I know you said youd send them when you got back if my MO was there. I sent a Bank MO to make sure you no delays and they onlty take a couple hours to clear from one bank to another. The mail was delivered to your address on the 15th at 3:29 PM according to the delivery confirmation I put on it at the PO.,it was supposed to get there the 14th but that didn't happen as I was told or id of not sent it Priorty mail as I did that like I posted you so you might have some extra cash for your trip you went on between the 15th and 20th of this month. Have you shipped my parts yet? if so by which method,UPS,FedEx or the USPO and what day date did you send them.I am now scheduled for the 10 th of Oct. 2011 to get my hip ball and joint replaced so id sure like to get them installed before then.
LMK asap please. Thank you. Gary Andrews Sr.

From: dkjohannes@comcast.net
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:36 PM
To: glmdk2@peoplepc.com
Subject: Re: Bank MO

According to the receipt it will arrive after I’ve left, I leave at noon on wednsday the 14th and the mail doesn’t show up till after 2pm. If I have to sign for it I won’t be able to pick it up at the post office until the 20th, I hope they hold it and don’t send it back to you for not being received. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

From: glmdk2@peoplepc.com
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 10:51 AM
To: dkjohannes@comcast.net
Subject: Bank MO

Kelly,Bank MO is now on its way,scan of my reciepts for you,looks like it will get there a day before your trip so you'll have some xtra cash to work with. Have fun stay safe and let me know when you ship when you get back,thanks much again. Gary Andrews Sr.

All this BS just because I wanted him to take the dang box and get it weighed at the PO to get correct shipping charges,Its nuts and hes a a crook for over charging. What goes around will surely come back and bite you if it hasn't started already i hope.,,The rest of you can't see past your nose and that don't mean chit to me either.None of you put any food on my table,and that's the name of that tune.! What a bunch of narrow minded individuals.
We're all narrow-minded as you suggest...but we don't publicly call people doing us a favor a "thief" based on a deal we voluntarily entered in to.

Just go away....even if you go away mad.
Thought you said good-bye a couple of days ago.... Pointless hanging around here pissing people off and trying to justify your behaviour.... is it ????