Swap my Roadster Controls For Standard ones

Just pay Hellfire the $250 and the $40 postage for the fu*kin parts and be done with it , we are all grown men (and a couple of sheilas) here and realise mistakes are made. I'm telling you mate you WILL NOT find a better deal than the one Hellfire offered you ANYWHERE. Likes been said he's a good bloke and goes out of his way to help anyone needing advice or assistance. The simple task of apologising will reap benefits from all those on this site in the future. Balls in your court ....
TOMCAT,already posted him that I did him a injustice and told him I was sorry for it too.I didn't mention anything about trying still to buy them as he said hes pissed before,that about covers it. Have a good day there TOMCAT
TOMCAT,already posted him that I did him a injustice and told him I was sorry for it too.I didn't mention anything about trying still to buy them as he said hes pissed before,that about covers it. Have a good day there TOMCAT
Like i said he's a good bloke and doesn't strike me as the kind to hold a grudge .. especially since you have apologised. Give him a chance to settle down and see if he'd like to re-enter negotiations Guess balls in your court now H/F...... Im hearing background music of Lennons " Give peace a chance" .. Weird !!!!!!
There was a thread a while back with great pics of a bloke who chopped up his standard rails and moved the controls way forward, just about where you're looking to put yours, near the bend. He did a sweet job of it, too.
baadactor,,myself too,and he did a outstanding job on it.I have a small chicom gearhead bench mill and a small 14" metal lathe too. Got rid of all my welders 6 or 7 years ago and Ive no nice table to set up a template to do it on either. Otherwise Id of not bothered a soul here after seeing his. All you need is the proper tools an you can build about what you want,just about. Years ago I had the pleasure of turning out some nice firearms for competition shooters,IPSC to be exact. Several took 1st place in state championships and one even took a 1st place in the nationals. Oh well,thats water under the bridge too.For sure that gentleman put his out where I need them and he did a outstanding job of it. Have a good day baadactor.
Well gentleman,we did it,he got his $40 bucks for shp and I rec my parts today. You all seem to have one opinion and your allowed that. I also have one opinion, to me he is a thief,legal though becauseI paid it. $40 for $16.79 shp cost for 17 lbs max,uninsured mail too. Good bye.
Hey TC, looks like you'd better forget about a career with the UN.

And Gary, jokes aside, that's a very uncool thing to say. In the circumstances you got an absolute bargain; the value of the stamps on the parcel is hardly the point. To call someone like HellFire a thief, when he clearly went out of his way to help you, will earn you no friends around here.