Swap my Roadster Controls For Standard ones

Some do not have the Luxury of throwing away extra money.
Hellfire is offering you the deal of the century.. go price the parts new !!! Man i would not be hassling over a few bucks for postage .. go check out what those parts would cost to buy it from a Triumph shop... maybe not the BMW come Triumph shop that gave you the "info" on the different models that were/weren't made though
Tomcat,you maybe right on all of what your saying,ive no doubt but I do not have any extra cash to throw away.I know that there is going to be more parts I have to buy besides the ones that Hellfire was going to sell me. Ive saved 3years on a part time job and bought a VTX1800c of which I traded in on the new 2012 R3R and cash besides what I owe still on it. Im now without any part time work and I live on $527 a month SS of which I am repaying the state at 10 bucks a month for them over paying me in 07,that leaves me $517 a month to live on.I sold some add ons off my VTX so i have some cash to get some extras Id hoped for on the R3R,thats not possible now as I have to be able to ride it first before the extra luxurys.I understand this is immaterial to every one here but Im the guy that puts food on my table and I have very limited funds to do so.,,,,$2.20 buys me two prescriptions if that means anything to anyone. ,,It will have to be done my way or I won't do it.I have to know up front,Exactly what its going to cost.I tried that getting shp info from hellfire,bottom line was by him it will be what it is when he takes it there,thats not going to work for me so i told him to take it to his PO and get the exact charges. If thats out of line,Im sorry,but its gonna have to be out of line and Ill do w/o till I find someone that will comply. Thanks for you input though,its just I don't have the cash for maybes. Have a good day my friend.
I get the financial lean times , really do.... F#ckin up a deal where your getting close to $1,000 worth of parts for $250 over $20 i dont get !!! Likes been said Hellfires a more tolerant man than me , i would have pulled the pin on the deal long ago. Good luck with the bike
Understood,but like I said also,I get well over a $100 in prescriptions for $1.10 and that 2 bucks is a bunch, and really and its more than 2 bucks too,its like $15 difference,and its water under a bridge now but,thanks for your thought though. This is not financial lean times for me my friend,its permanent.

What Hellfire has offered you here is an amazing deal, trust me I have just gone down the same path you want to travel.
Iw ill say the things you need on top of what is being offered is a rear brake master cylinder, brake pedal pivot bolt and return spring, new brake line from the master cylinder to the brake light switch and possibly one of the covers for the master cylinder as this is in 2 parts and 1 of them generally gets used in the floorboard conversion. You will also need the treaded linkage rod for the shift lever as well as the short shift arm that goes on the shift shaft protruding from the gearbox.
On top of this you will also need to bleed the abs system by taking to your dealer or doing it yourself with software such as Dealertool which cost around $120.

To do the above I have sourced parts from members here on the forum or Ebay and will probably do the conversion for around $500. If I were to buy these parts and services from a dealer the cost would be somewhere between $1000 and $1500. So my friend what you are being offered is a super deal and not that easy to find.
The process of swapping them over is pretty simple and the only mods needed are to re-bend an original brake line to suit the new setup and make a bracket to support the brake light switch.

Hellfire has gone out of his way to help you here and needs to be treated with some respect for doing so, after all the forum is here to share and help each other and not piss each other off.

PS: I also enjoy the extra legroom this change provides.
Wow. If you are that concerned over wasting money it might have been a good idea to test ride the bike before buying it and finding out you can't ride it without a LOT of work.

I wouldn't argue over $20 (basically accusing him of trying to cheat you) when someone is offering you a deal that saves you almost $750.

Maybe you should have stuck with your Honda.
I don't know how anyone can figure I thought Hellfire was cheating on anything. I did not thats for sure. It had nothing to do with that.It had everything to do with my income,that covers it. I understand it was a Great deal for the money.Let me see if you all can comprehend this,I have to scrap my car its more than I can afford to spend to get it running and make pymnts on the new bike + insurance,Ill loose one or the other and drop my insurance on it because my income won't support it anymore.July19/2011 was my last unemployment check for working part time. It was cancelled because Im now disabled to the point of not being able to go to 10 places to look for work every two wks.You all don't seem to be able to hear me.All you see is HellFire took pics to help me and I do appreciate that. My wallet cannot stand any over on anything. And then the bottom line now is its water under the bridge,can't bring it back,so ive gave it up.There's Nothing like having hindsight on the Honda. Have a good day people.
Well I guess what we all can't understand is, if your in that bad of a situation .
Why would you trade in a bike that fit you and you could afford and ride, that you would trade it off and buy a bike that you cant ride, from a dealer that seems to know very little about them, when you have absolutely no extra money to spend and a car you cant rely on .

thats just bad judgement and makes you look bad .

Hell fire should have just said 300 shipping included and there wouldnt have been a problem ,but seeing as you cant run your finances you made him feel as if he was screwing you and he was trying to do you a favor if money is really that tight for you sell the bike, you cant afford it and pay your monthly bills and still have some savings for things that come up .

not to sound like i douche bag but come on you should have know before you bought .