Swap my Roadster Controls For Standard ones


.040 Over
Aug 9, 2011
I just bought a new R3Roadster,2012. The controls are to close to me. I m told I need the standard model complete with rails and master cylinder and the works ,Ill swap mine for yours as long as they will work and are in great shape as mine are brand new.Ive not put a yard on the bike yet. thank you.
Went to the only local dealer here in Tallahassee a couple days ago and sat on the touring model once again. This time my hip would not let me get on the floorboard on the shift side either. What I need is not made I guess. If Obama doesn't allow me a new hip Im screwed,well one thing good out of it the bike will never need servicing and that will save me $250 I don't have either.LOL,LOL.Im gonna call and find out whhat this will do or not do to the warranty. Im starting it every day though and I can sit on it with both legs stretched out. Need the pegs and controls well below and way out from the existing for sure.
Keep looking on ebay, the parts you need appear every now and then.
Understood,my problem is also the lack of $ now,I dropped all I had to get it.Most people make more a week that I get a month.Like I said,my 2012 might still be new next year also with no miles on it.Don't know how thats going to affect the warranty,5 miles don't require a oil change Id think or anything else either.
How tall are you anyway?
Well thats not the correct question I guess,
My son is taller than me, he's 6'4" but his legs are shorter than mine.
I wear a 36 length, he wears a 32 length.
So how long are your legs, what size pants, length wise do you wear is the question.
Maybe you just need some forward controls,
bet we could get that done pretty cheap.

You're not doing the bike any favors by running it while it's sitting. You're probably doing more harm to the bike actually. Stabilize the fuel, put it on a battery tender, and save starting and running for when you can actually put it on the road.....
Ok,,Ill not start it anymore,already have added fuel stabilizer yesterday,a 1/4 oz as I put a gallon of gas in a few days ago. Im all for what ever will get me riding it .Be it ext controls or whatever. I can get my right foot on the existing peg and brake well enough to use it but it is a little awkward. im 6'4' also,have 33 inseam,wear 44's in pants,300 lbs,overweight 40 or 50. Where can I get ext. controls that will get me out and down. I had a set of Constellation boards on my VTX that worked 100% and then some,it let me ride with the bum hip.
I just picked up an 08 standard and I dont like how far forward the pegs are. I much prefered the foot location on the roadster (before i crashed) let me ride it once more to decide if I wanna go with roadster pegs (or rearsets) then i'll let you know. the one thing i did not like about the roadster pegs is that they caused my riding pants to whip my legs constantly and the standard ones do not. i shall let you know by friday if you dont hear from me just ask. this way we both find out for sure

I don't think the standard ones are far out enough either for me,I need mine at the very front of the rail where the radius ends rearward not that Ive got to sit on one thats a touring model. I think Im in trouble otherwise with anything less unless theres some way to get the standards out that far.? If I still had my welders I think I could get what I need,and do some cutting and then reweld, it would be w/o asthettic finish and that I could live with till I could afford the powder coat.Keep it oiled up so it won't rust meanwhile.Im still reaching,but Ive gotta keep up hope.
What Im thinking is i may end up having to get a set of standards and cut them up and move the controls and pegs as far forward as possible,I can then function on it hip or no bad hip.I rode my VTX that I traded in on this with a bum hip too.,,,,I did get lazy with all the high heat and humidity we have been having and taking the car instead as I have air that works good in it,but thats history now,the car won't start and Ive no $ to have it hauled away to fig what it will cost to replace that ignition switch in the colum as Im sure that wire off it is broken again as it will start for a split second and then die out and just turn motor over as it did one other time about 8 yrs ago,that was over $400 fix then.,,,Need a standard rail setup.