Stuck in first.

Curious if this problema is confined to the R3T or also includes the R3R?
100% sure the sidestand being up or down has nothing to do with stated movement in the gear change lever. I'd be contacting Triumph (not local Dealer) .. I've had repairs done outside of the warranty period. Good luck with it.
100% sure the bvious being up or down has nothing to do with stated movement in the gear change lever. I'd be contacting Triumph (not local Dealer) .. I've had repairs done outside of the warranty period. Good luck with it.
Thanks TC. Now, do you think it would be best to contact Triumph NZ before starting the disassembling, or wait until 100% sure that the displaced bolt is the cause of the breakdown?
I can see no other obvious possible causes.
Yep sadly it sounds like the selector bolt on the drum most likely it has come out. The only way to get at her is to pull the engine. 24 hours is what it took me but I went at her slowly. The good thing is if it happens to be something up front on the selector wheel you will see it before you take the engine out if you open the clutch up first. The book probably does not have you do it but If your splitting the engine open the clutch cover and clutch have to come off so pulling it after you pull the radiator is not going to disrupt anything.
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I agree with Warp. There's really not much else it could be, unless something really bad happened inside. After some thinking, I guess it was only two long days. And some finishing work the next morning.
Thanks TC. Now, do you think it would be best to contact Triumph NZ before starting the disassembling, or wait until 100% sure that the displaced bolt is the cause of the breakdown?
I can see no other obvious possible causes.
I contacted Triumph customer services 8years ago before the 'update kit' existed when I found the bolt problem,
they insisted there were no problems with the R3 & refused any assistance either financial or material
as I did not take it to a Triumph dealer. a-holes
The saga continues.
Earlier this evening whilst out on a errand, something happened that has me thinking the worst.
The transmission of my 2010 Rocket Tourer has become stuck in first gear, and the shifter has become free in it's movement to almost 180 degrees. Obviously some breakdown in the internal mechanisms.
As I see it the shifter is still tight on the spline, So I'm thinking the problem lies further in side the trans.
Meaning major engine work I'm pickin'.
And also it will now not turn over on the starter motor. I'm unsure if this is directly related to the transmission problem, or some new and separate issue.
Once again I ask the learned R3 owners of this great and informative site to share with me the benefit of their knowledge.
Wrap 9.9 I would very much appreciate any input from you Sir.
Sounds like this one is going to be expensive.
Gid Aye Mate my experience is two fold. If the bike is stuck in gear the stand being lifted engages a switch which may be not engaging correctly , so to the clutch lever switch may not be engaging . My clutch lever has just enough slop in it to need to be pulled slightly in a down ward motion to engage the switch. Check the switches are engaged correctly. Secondly the selector issue in my opinion is as discussed is a motor out and cases split Good luck.
Thanks TC. Now, do you think it would be best to contact Triumph NZ before starting the disassembling, or wait until 100% sure that the displaced bolt is the cause of the breakdown?
I can see no other obvious possible causes.

After making sure it's not the clutch/sidestand cutouts I'd be contacting Triumph NZ for sure. End of the day they are the ones that'll need to ok any work being carried out by local Dealer. Let us know how you go as Triumph Australia warranty fella has been helpful in the past. Obviously this is not a first so be a history of this occurring .. be firm but not abusive when dealing with them ( know from experience abusive best left as last option ) .. good luck mate.
UPDATE . . . . . Well, as diagnosed, the source of the problem was indeed the selector bolt. I'm only glad it happened when it did, and not at a far greater rate of knots.
The whole procedure took longer than I'd hoped, but have no one else to blame for that other than myself.
Maybe 25hrs to disassemble the bike to where I could lift the frame off the engine. And about 10hrs to do the engine work. And another 20hrs to reassemble the bike. It all went back together easy enough, and started on the first turn of the motor.
After about 600k's, everything seems to be running great, EXCEPT . . . . .
A small 'splutter' has developed around the 1800 rpm mark, as if it were sucking air. I've tightened both set of clips on the throttle bodies (top and bottom) and replaced the exhust manifold gaskets and tightened as described in the manual.
I'm about to remove and clean the air filter, and check the seal at the top of the airbox.
Any other suggestions or input would, as always from you clever lot, be greatly appreciated.