The saga continues.
Earlier this evening whilst out on a errand, something happened that has me thinking the worst.
The transmission of my 2010 Rocket Tourer has become stuck in first gear, and the shifter has become free in it's movement to almost 180 degrees. Obviously some breakdown in the internal mechanisms.
As I see it the shifter is still tight on the spline, So I'm thinking the problem lies further in side the trans.
Meaning major engine work I'm pickin'.
And also it will now not turn over on the starter motor. I'm unsure if this is directly related to the transmission problem, or some new and separate issue.
Once again I ask the learned R3 owners of this great and informative site to share with me the benefit of their knowledge.
Wrap 9.9 I would very much appreciate any input from you Sir.
Sounds like this one is going to be expensive.
I know it's a basic, but if the kickstand is down it won't start because it's not in neutral.
I think @MikeDeY had to replace his shifter after his accident so he may be able to tell you how much tear down he had to do.
I know it's a basic, but if the kickstand is down it won't start because it's not in neutral.
I think @MikeDeY had to replace his shifter after his accident so he may be able to tell you how much tear down he had to do.
I've never had an issue with starting with either the stand down, or in gear with the stand up. So long as the clutch is disengaged. I think the problem lies with the internal selector bolt coming adrift.
@subtle has a rocket with a similar problem i think. And All of oir bikes will not start in gear with the stand down regardles of if rhe clutch is engaged- unless this has been modified