Strange oil light behavior

I mention previously in another post my light would come on after driving for about 25-20 min. Would come on flickering dim, go out, then back on and stayed on. My dealer thought the same thi g, but it turned out that a, I apologize if it is. It the right term, drive dog gear for the oil sump was not installed fro. The factory correctly. So, our engines have 3 oil dump areas, I think, and the oil was not being pushed through all the time causing the light to come on. I checked my oil several times, and it always looked good. Then the motor made a loud bang, and that was it!! Motor was toasted!!
This is the crux of the matter, if you can't trust the system that is supposed to warn of impending doom, someone somewhere will be caught out. Ticht now on the R3T the oil sensor is more fallible than the oil pressure system.
I know it's nearly 2 years since I posted this thread, but, I know for myself its' interesting to see/read about folks repairs/upgrades/etc farther down the road to see if there were any side issues or whatnot. So far, that oil-light has never come back on and I'm up in the 16,000 mile mark now with a bunch of WOT riding and mountain climbs.

I will say upon closer inspection this morning, the oil light looked a little strange...When I got reallll close, it seems the dealer had taken the oil light out, and replaced it with a little piece of red plastic they had carefully shaved to look like an oil light! @Mittzy !!! you were right all along man!
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I know it's nearly 2 years since I posted this thread, but, I know for myself its' interesting to see/read about folks repairs/upgrades/etc farther down the road to see if there were any side issues or whatnot. So far, that oil-light has never come back on and I'm up in the 16,000 mile mark now with a bunch of WOT riding and mountain climbs.

I will say upon closer inspection this morning, the oil light looked a little strange...When I got reallll close, it seems the dealer had taken the oil light out, and replaced it with a little piece of red plastic they had carefully shaved to look like an oil light! @Mittzy !!! you were right all along man!
Seriously! They did a Volkswagen on you!! Man, time to lawyer up.
I know it's nearly 2 years since I posted this thread, but, I know for myself its' interesting to see/read about folks repairs/upgrades/etc farther down the road to see if there were any side issues or whatnot. So far, that oil-light has never come back on and I'm up in the 16,000 mile mark now with a bunch of WOT riding and mountain climbs.

I will say upon closer inspection this morning, the oil light looked a little strange...When I got reallll close, it seems the dealer had taken the oil light out, and replaced it with a little piece of red plastic they had carefully shaved to look like an oil light! @Mittzy !!! you were right all along man!
This is why I do my own work. If I do not understand how it works I study until I do. May not get things fixed in record time but so far have not had to fix anything twice.:whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling:
This site is great - My 2015 R3T oil light has started flickering at me after start up. It's done it a few times, each time it seems to stay on/flicker longer. I've checked the oil many times, each time the level is good and the oil is clean. I've only got 2k miles on the bike. At first I thought it might have something to do with the oil weight I put in but after reading this thread I am thinking otherwise.

General consensus of this thread: wiggle the wires/tighten a screw and if that doesn't work take it into the dealer?
This site is great - My 2015 R3T oil light has started flickering at me after start up. It's done it a few times, each time it seems to stay on/flicker longer. I've checked the oil many times, each time the level is good and the oil is clean. I've only got 2k miles on the bike. At first I thought it might have something to do with the oil weight I put in but after reading this thread I am thinking otherwise.

General consensus of this thread: wiggle the wires/tighten a screw and if that doesn't work take it into the dealer?
Yes that's how it starts out and then progressively stays on for longer intervals until just randomly turning on. FYI my new sensor looks like it's going to fail, as it also has just started to stay on longer upon start up.
I took my bike into the dealer nearly seven weeks ago for this intermittent oil light. They said it was a loose wire, but that the technician heard a knocking sound from the bottom of the engine and could they check it out. I'm STILL waiting for the repairs to be done.
Man, I knew the minute I bought this thing it was going to be an obsession....Seeing that pic of the R3T torn down to the cylinders....Holy hot **** that is some sexy engine p0rn right there....

Parallel, that wouldn't happen to be a Steibel horn you have mounted there is it? It looks suspiciously like the one I have on mine!

(I doubt I actually have to say this, but when I posted that I looked at the oil light again back in June, I hope folks caught on that I was kidding about it being a dummy piece of red plastic hehehe)
I had the bike out earlier and I started flipping the light switches and sure as $hit the oil light started blinking. Problem is I like this bike too much to already have to go without it. First world problems, I know.
Parallel, that wouldn't happen to be a Steibel horn you have mounted there is it? It looks suspiciously like the one I have on mine!

Yep, it sure is. It was only on there for about two weeks before the bike went into the shop and in that time it already kept me from getting run down. I need to fabricate a better mount and I'm going to see if I can 3D print some sort of cover to hide how hideous it looks.