Strange oil light behavior

The strange behavior kept happening, and I kept checking the oil level/temperatures/etc and everything looked just fine but I just couldn't take seeing that light pop on/off any longer.

So, after being at the dealer for 2 weeks it turns out the oil pressure sensor is indeed bad.

They tested it, re-tested it, tested everything else, then called home to the mothership and their gurus had the dealer do some other stuff, and, even though it tests "good" the conclusion is the oil pressure sensor is indeed bad.

So, it's a warranty repair and it'll be another week before I get it back.

By the time I get it back I'm quite likely to burn the back tire completely off the bike from the withdrawal symptoms I'm suffering.
The strange behavior kept happening, and I kept checking the oil level/temperatures/etc and everything looked just fine but I just couldn't take seeing that light pop on/off any longer.

So, after being at the dealer for 2 weeks it turns out the oil pressure sensor is indeed bad.

They tested it, re-tested it, tested everything else, then called home to the mothership and their gurus had the dealer do some other stuff, and, even though it tests "good" the conclusion is the oil pressure sensor is indeed bad.

So, it's a warranty repair and it'll be another week before I get it back.

By the time I get it back I'm quite likely to burn the back tire completely off the bike from the withdrawal symptoms I'm suffering.
I will add to this later, but my R3R 14 with 6,000 miles started doing something similar. Oil light flickers then stayed on. Was on a ride in the middle of nowhere! Dealer, on phone, thought same thing. They had just services it 2 weeks prior. Until I have more info j will leave you with this. NOT a bad sensor. After light turned of for several hundred miles it came back on, and 1st gear....2nd gear.... BANG!!! Motor shuts down!
switches fail that is what i would do change the switch and if that did not work i would do a wiggle test on the wires to see if u have a problem with wires. of coarse it would have to be running when u do the wiggle test.
I will add to this later, but my R3R 14 with 6,000 miles started doing something similar. Oil light flickers then stayed on. Was on a ride in the middle of nowhere! Dealer, on phone, thought same thing. They had just services it 2 weeks prior. Until I have more info j will leave you with this. NOT a bad sensor. After light turned of for several hundred miles it came back on, and 1st gear....2nd gear.... BANG!!! Motor shuts down!

with this info if the new switch does not fix the problem i would install a pressure gauge where the oil sending unit is and see what pressures u are running especially when hot.
Troy, thanks for adding in your experience with what may or may not be a similar problem. If you don't mind, do please come back and update with what your issue turns out to be, just in case I end up with something similar.
Troy, thanks for adding in your experience with what may or may not be a similar problem. If you don't mind, do please come back and update with what your issue turns out to be, just in case I end up with something similar.

Will do. There is more to go with everything, but waiting to see how everything works out.
Sorry to hear about your problem and I hope they get it fixed. I had a similar problem only with my neutral switch acting up. The dealership tested it and said there was nothing wrong with it so they couldn't replace it under warranty. This, in spite of the fact that I demonstrated right in front of the service manager that it wouldn't show neutral when it was "in fact" in neutral. It also wouldn't show neutral going from 2nd to neutral. The service manager told me it wasn't suppose to show neutral if you went from 2nd into neutral and that was would only work properly going from 1st to neutral. Total BS, how stupid did he think I was, but I didn't argue with him. Anyway, without the light on, even though it was in neutral, if you put the side stand down it would kill the engine. I finally had to complain to Triumph to get it replaced. No problems since. Testing "good" doesn't mean crap.

At least your dealership appears to be going to bat for you and getting something done. It does sound like an electrical feedback issue from the oil sensor with fluctuations caused by an increase in current draw. Have they checked out the regulator and charging system to make sure there isn't some sort of a brief lag in regulator response that would cause the light to turn on? I can't imagine it would be an oil pressure issue. Sounds electrical to me. Keep us posted.
So, got the monster back yesterday afternoon. Checked it out in the parking lot, thanked the dealer folks for their work and rode off. I didn't baby it and pushed it hard right from the start. Spent a couple hours riding it around. Hitting the lights, brakes, combinations of high/low beam/aux/etc that had previously caused that oil light to come on. I tried stopping hard, starting/stopping on serious inclines downtown, opening it up on the highway and the oil light never blinked.

They said they replaced the oil pressure switch and did a thorough checkup. I can't hear any unusual noises like tapping/etc that may indicate the problem was more serious and starving the engine for oil/etc.

I'll update again after a few more days of letting it loose on the rest of the world and see where things are but so far, it looks like in my case it really was a simple as an oil pressure switch.
So, got the monster back yesterday afternoon. Checked it out in the parking lot, thanked the dealer folks for their work and rode off. I didn't baby it and pushed it hard right from the start. Spent a couple hours riding it around. Hitting the lights, brakes, combinations of high/low beam/aux/etc that had previously caused that oil light to come on. I tried stopping hard, starting/stopping on serious inclines downtown, opening it up on the highway and the oil light never blinked.

They said they replaced the oil pressure switch and did a thorough checkup. I can't hear any unusual noises like tapping/etc that may indicate the problem was more serious and starving the engine for oil/etc.

I'll update again after a few more days of letting it loose on the rest of the world and see where things are but so far, it looks like in my case it really was a simple as an oil pressure switch.
Maybe they pulled the bulb????o_O
Just kidding:p