Strange oil light behavior

Just in case check the screw on the bugger your wire might be loose.

Will do! I'm doing some other maintenance this weekend so I'll check that too. Thanks for the tip. I probably wouldn't have thought of that if you hadn't mentioned it.
I'm on my second oil pressur sender unit, the original failed and the dealer fixed by cleaning it, but this was only temporary because it started to fail again so they replaced the sensor. The new sensor was good for a while and then started showing symptoms again, this time the dealer checked the oil pump and found no problem, cleaned the new sensor and fingers crossed it's been ok since. Seems that the touring sensor has a problem for some reason.

How does one go about checking the oil pump? Attach a oil pressure gauge and take the bike for a spin?

I'm going to look into adding an oil pressure gauge while leaving the sending unit so the idiot light catches my attention.

I was looking in my factory service manual and the steps they recommend for removing the oil pressure sending unit is ridiculous. For starters, it says you have to remove the fuel tank, rear tire, rear fender, air intake, and on and on. There are several pages of things that supposedly have to be removed and each step sends you to another page for the procedure to complete that step.

Has anyone here replaced their oil pressure sending unit? Please tell me all those steps aren't really necessary. Heck! I has you practically taking the whole bike apart. I know there are errors and unnecessary steps in some of the procedures listed in the manual but this seems ridiculous.
I've pulled mine several times but its not the touring. Anyway I can see on mine where pulling the tank makes it much easier especially if you have all the intake plumbing still on. Your being a touring has much more stuff on the tank and it probably does prop up. As for the rear wheel and fender they must have some good dope
I have a bit over 3,000 miles on my 2015 R3T and my oil light is causing me heartburn as well. I have half a mind to simply put an oil pressure gauge on it like a motorcycle with such a large engine should.

This is my only true compliant this far with the R3T... no tach and idiot lights for everything on a bike with a high performance motor is just stupid.

Thanks! That's what I thought. Removing the tank is no problem, if necessary. It's all the other stuff that the service manual says you have to remove - rear wheel, rear fender, intake duct, etc. The reason I asked is I'm thinking of installing an oil pressure gauge. Hopefully, there's room to install a "T" of some type so I can keep the idiot light too.

I totally agree. I'm wondering if Triumph may have got a bad bunch of oil pressure sensors.

I like real gauges myself. This may sound funny, though, coming from a guy who works on everything, I really don't miss a tachometer. I can tell what I need to know by the sound and feel of the engine. Even when I raced cars I hardly ever looked at the tac. But I do like a full set of gauges. At the very least, an oil pressure gauge and a coolant temperature gauge. I'm going to give some thought to installing them. The problem is space as I have a leather storage bag mounted on the inside of the windshield and a power outlet on the handlebars. Space is very tight on the handlebars.
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I mention previously in another post my light would come on after driving for about 25-20 min. Would come on flickering dim, go out, then back on and stayed on. My dealer thought the same thi g, but it turned out that a, I apologize if it is. It the right term, drive dog gear for the oil sump was not installed at the factory correctly. So, our engines have 3 oil dump areas, I think, and the oil was not being pushed through all the time causing the light to come on. I checked my oil several times, and it always looked good. Then the motor made a loud bang, and that was it!! Motor was toasted!!
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