Strange oil light behavior

On this same note, maybe you should siphon out two quarts of oil and see if the light comes on!! LOL

Oh sure, there's something you want to try! Where's your disclaimer...someone my actually try to do that.
Hehe, believe me, I had some wild thoughts pop in about them trying to do something silly; I've seen some shady **** done.

Good stuff for a laugh though guys
Hehe, believe me, I had some wild thoughts pop in about them trying to do something silly; I've seen some shady **** done.

Good stuff for a laugh though guys
I just bought a 15 touring and 1500 miles later I'm having the same oil light problem.
Its under warranty but the sender is rather cheep so I will change it myself. It doesn't look like it's
in a very nice place. Has anyone changed one?
I just bought a 15 touring and 1500 miles later I'm having the same oil light problem.
Its under warranty but the sender is rather cheep so I will change it myself. It doesn't look like it's
in a very nice place. Has anyone changed one?
My oil light became a bit erratic would come on randomly. Dealer fixed it by cleaning the electrical terminals on the sender unit.
My oil light became a bit erratic would come on randomly. Dealer fixed it by cleaning the electrical terminals on the sender unit.
Well here is an update. Took a quick look at my sender tonight and found it is kinda hard to reach without getting
into it more than the daylight allowed so I gave it a little tug and wiggle and said that's it until I have more time.
Fired the beast up to put it to bed for the night and (hummmm ???????) the oil light seemed to work correctly.
I tried it several more times and the light is working perfectly. I DON'T GET IT!!!!! Oh well I'll try it again tomorrow.
I'm surprised I haven't seen this thread before. I'll add my similar experience. When on a 6,000 solo trip to the west coast and back last year when my 2015 R3T was new, the oil pressure went on in one of the worst possible places - in the middle of nowhere in mountains in Oregon. The light would go on for a minute or so then off for a a bit and then back on. This kept happening. There was no shoulder to pull over onto. It was too dangerous to pull over anywhere because I was in extreme twisties. There was no cell phone service. I absolutely hate even the thought of letting any engine run at all when there's a possibility of no or low oil pressure but there were no tell-tale tappet sounds or any other out-of-the-ordinary sounds from the engine and it was running fine. As much as I hated to, I had to ride on to the nearest small town about 50 miles ahead (Sweet Home, Oregon). It was a nerve-wracking 50 miles. Not taking any chances and having access to free towing, I had the bike hauled to Triumph in Beaverton - about 100 miles or so. (I''l post a strange experience I had at Triumph in Beaverton in a separate post.)

They determined that the oil pressure sending unit was bad and replaced it. The light never came on again when running for the rest of the trip but just this week on a 700 mile trip with my wife, the oil pressure light came about 50 miles from home and then went on and off again for a few miles. Again, there was no tappet noise and the engine was running fine. But this time, the light went out and never came back on for the the rest of the trip so I continued on without a problem. If it comes on anymore, I'll take it to Triumph as it's still under warranty until next spring.
Just in case check the screw on the bugger your wire might be loose.