Stop looking like 200 lbs. of chewed bubble gum

OK, I went to war for the first time at age 51. I was a contractor, but had to pass the Army's fitness test to deploy. I was 281 Lbs, and really pretty strong, but the 3 mile run killed me! I could make it, but not in the required time. So, I had to remodel!

First, weight lost is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Let that soak in, you can lose weight, like millions of starving people, by just not eating as much as your body burns. There is absolutely no such thing as people that can not lose weight, no one has ever starved and remained fat...

Two, exercise is great! It is the Fountain of Youth, and will not only allow you to eat more and still lose, but more importantly it will help you build/retain muscle. As we get older it gets harder to build muscle, and more important to keep it. More muscle is one of the big things makes you a man, burns more calories and allows you to do more of the things that you did when you were "young." So, while it is possible to lose weight without exercise, I would not advise it.

Three, you can not build muscle while you are exercising! Believe it or not, you can lift weights till your arms and legs fall off, but you will build very little, if any, muscle that way. All exercise does is break down muscle, that is why you get sore! As you get older, your recovery period gets longer, so, and here it is, you will grow more muscle faster, if you work out less! I am on the down side of the half century mark and am up to 100 military style push-ups and 100 sit-ups (with a back brace, I am 6"04") every 3 days. And that is how I did it, every three days, no more. I had to give my body time to recover and grow between sets!

Forth, Get enough sleep! Most of our recovery and growth from exercise occurs while we sleep! Even if you just lose weight through strictly diet, you will lose less muscle if you get enough sleep. You will build more muscle, up to 30% more, if you get enough sleep when exercise.

Fifth, if you are counting calories , and have what I call a "pig day" enjoy it! I mean really pig out! Eat whatever you want, really. Why, because you can only assimilate so many calories in a given 24 hour period. So pig out, kill your cravings, and then go right back to your healthy diet. If you only do this every blue moon, it will barely effect your lose at all! So, remember there is no such thing as "blowing your diet" there is only quitting.

Well, I think that about does it! It helped me get all the way down to 208 lbs, but I am happier at my current 225!
Why 0200 in the mornings?
Nutritional advice for motorbikers - sounds like a good idea for a book. The thing that has not really been mentioned in this thread is Genetics. My dad died at the age of 90. Never weighed more than 150 lbs. I am 62 - never weighed more than 150 lbs either - am exactly the same weight now as when I was 18. Now - i can eat and drink anything and my weight never varies. My buddy Sean has a similar lifestyle, eats pretty much the same as I do and exercises the same. We do five or six sessions in the gym a week. He weighs in excess of 300lbs and has been over 400lbs. I reckon the genes you are born with are as influential as diet, exercise and lifestyle.
A couple years ago I decided I needed to be more healthy. At 320lbs, 5'11" I was struggling. I have been large torso and legs since my mid-twenties. I love Mediterranian food, so I went towards that kind of diet. Wouldn't really call it a diet as a change in how and what I eat. Kept leaning towards more protein meals. I ended up dropping 60lbs. in about 7 months, my wife didn't like me at that size, so now I maintain at 270-275lbs. A BIG PIECE OF ADVICE, prepare your own meals, don't eat anything processed or pre-prepared, then you can control whats going in, and I cut out pretty much all sugar, save a dessert on Saturday night. Everybody is different, hope you find what works for you.
we can always get one of those funny mirrors (like at the circus) to make us look "right"
Whoever said to shoot all the fat people has absolutely no concern for Harley Davidson going bankrupt.