Stop looking like 200 lbs. of chewed bubble gum

Umm WTF is "Straddle Gravy"?
Straddle Gravy...secretions from a certain part of the female anatomy when she becomes "excited."
I've been living a health-focused lifestyle for the last three years. The most distance I've done on my road bicycle is 51 miles, and have bought/donated a lot of clothes through the transitions. I've lost 35 lbs and use a scale that measures fat/muscle percentages. Don't go to a gym, but might join one this winter.

That being said, I don't set weight targets or count calories. Most of us on this site are too old to be doing that. The solution isn't that difficult:
  • Abandon all of the known fast-food restrauants.
  • If you like burgers, go to only the small places and don't eat fries.
  • Reduce sugar/milk additives in coffee or tea, I drink black and unsweetened.
  • Give up all processed drinks; soft drinks, energy drinks, & etc.
  • Eat all of the fruit you want, but no juice - they are just another form of processed sugar.
  • Avoid processed meats, such as lunch/deli style products or pre-cooked chicken, too low in protien and too many chemicals
  • Say goodbye to cakes, doughnuts, cookies - with the exception of family birthdays and weddings.
  • Avoid low--cost dairy products.
  • Adopt some kind of workout interest and gradually work yourself up to a routine that works your system; cycling, hiking, jogging, yoga, & etc - when you're just staring out it doesn't really matter, whatever you enjoy doing.
  • No exercise DVDs or Weight-Loss pills
  • More grains and natural foods, start with whatever you like and expand as you adapt.
  • Drink more filtered water.
I'm doing more than the above, but admit that the greatest change in my shape came from what changing what I ate. The bicycle helped trims off the old fat.

Hope this helps,
I started working out when i had no choice, my back was very messed up, it was that or not been able to move 3 years later, it worked for me
Most of us, me included, are not going to go through life faithfully counting calories and visiting the gym. But we can, unless we have an incapacitating illness/injury, pledge to ourselves to always be an able-bodied man. Your goal is to be able to fight non-stop for 3 minutes. You can do it all at home with a bench, bar, weights, dumbbells. It's cheap on Craigslist. Walk or jog in your neighborhood or use a treadmill or jump rope. It's ok to have a belly if it can take a punch (google "two ton tony galento"). Don't forget to work your neck. Respect yourself.
Another thing about weight gain. You can loose the excess fat but those fat cells are still there, just smaller. They easily fill up again.

I was a pretty good football player and wrestler in HS, very active till I got out of the Service. Then when I started flying a desk I really out it on. Was up to 290 at one point. Them averaged between 250 and 225 for years. Now at 190 but still a good 15 pounds away from where I need to be. Had surgery in 1986 food became my mistress, all the wrong foods. Been a constant struggle to work it down. Consistency is the key. Some aerobic excercise combined with mild weight training is a good thing. Muscle burns more cal than fat. Carbs suck and all the hidden sugar in processed foods. I do a shake now in the am, cut up frozen banana, an Apple, strawberries, and blueberries. Add a protein shake and blend in a NutriBullet. Keeps me satisfied till noon. Now to figure out what to do in the evening......
Well that was entertaining and informative. Let me say i appriciate all your input on this matter. I've always been in shape and worked out at the gym since i was in high school. Got a full athletic scholarship to college.After turning 60 i started going down hill. A lot of the things you guys recommend i know only too well. I can't put my finger on it,lets just say it's a combination of old age,depression and every day BS that starts to wear you down at this stage of the game. My training buddies along with my riding friends are starting to drop off at an alarming rate. I have started drinking more water,walking and riding my pedal bike. I guess it's time to snap out of it and get my arse back in gear.......!!
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The translation captions,,,
I started working out when i had no choice, my back was very messed up, it was that or not been able to move 3 years later, it worked for me
My situation was much like yours mate , I left the Army after 10 years fit and healthy at 33 , I then drove forklifts loading shipping containers and 1/3 of that was hand loading , within 3 years my back was farked and I was all but crippled . I was on med leave for a good 6 months , spent time with the physios and working in my own time at the gym . Around that time I scored my security contract in Iraq and really worked hard in the gym and on core strengthening, after 12 months I was a lean mean killing machine. Over the past 10 years I've had to adapt how I train as I suffer from scoliosis due to the injury and T7-T11 have fused , I have had lazy times and it doesn't take my back long to deteriorate if the muscles get weak , this pic was taken this morn 2am gym sesh