Stop looking like 200 lbs. of chewed bubble gum


Living Legend
May 29, 2008
Plymouth Massachusetts
05 Rocket III 01 Roadking 08 Busa
Sometimes it takes a guy like this to get you motavated to loosing weight. I'm not too far from the 300 lb club, though i'm in the construction field i end up eating well over 2000 calories a day. For some reason i just can't drop the pounds / kilograms or i should say i know the reason but i just don't have the motivation at my age. If any of you captians have any tips on loosing weight sing out. Sorry for the language but i figure if you can handle a Rocket this should be a piece of cake...
Let me have a stab at this one--- if you eat 3500cal more than you need you will gain one pound, if you eat less than 3500cal than you need you will lose one pound pretty complicated stuff is it not.
Plus as the one leg wonder said exercise or at least get out and walk around a bit this forum will still be here when you get back.
Never understood what is so hard upon dieting but then again I have never been a lard arse.
Portion size and will power. One of our members here has lost a good deal of weight and not exercising.
Maybe ride all day (cos you cant eat and ride- not advisable at least) and when you do stop for some tucker get a small meal or salad.
Not like this one

It was FLICKING nice tho.
I consume alot of bad stuff, chocolate, soft drinks and the occasional pizza , but i outstrip that by weight training 4-5 times per week , if you want bad then you need good balance is the key , i dont understand obsessive gym junkies or sedentary persons that over eat. What pisses me off is people using the no time excuse, i get up at 2 am through the weekdays to make the gym.......
I think its all about discipline. When you're young and either working hard physically or working out at a gym your discipline is not focused on your diet. As you get older you find out that you can not maintain the physical part and if you have not modified your diet accordingly, you will pay the price.

What I've found hard is learning to enjoy things I can now eat and not think about the stuff that's off the menu. I cheat occasionally, but the scale and the blood test don't hide the truth.

Getting old is not for sissies.