Stolen 2020 TFC

You can sometimes leverage the tick. I’ll pay on time if I can use the cash and make more money elsewhere. Also get the cheaper finance deal and pay off first month.
Just make sure you do the math, check the contracts, and are sure of your risk

We've paid cash on some vehicles... financed others. It all depends on where you are in your life and how you view the "Here and now" based on your expected future. My Mom saved and saved to pay cash for most everything (except for her home which she made double payments); and when she could start to enjoy the fruits of her labor a sick husband and her own cancer took much of that away (her husband passed but she lives with us tied to an oxygen tank). Anyone could get hit crossing a road but in my line of work I've learned to enjoy the "now moment" as much as possible as I may not be here tomorrow to enjoy it with family... so my bride and I plan for the future but enjoy today while we still can. For us it's a balancing act.
Just my thoughts...

You have hit the very essence of this forum, different ideas from around the world. These differences are important and i have learned much!

Call your legislator, governor and major. Let them know you vote and make political contributions. Tell them that you have 6 highly educated and hard to find employees that are now furloughed and that you must re-open your doors NOW or go for broke.

How are you going to deal with the aerosol from the handpiece? The dental environment is hard to infection control. Surely the ADA will issue directives and standards during this difficult recovery period.
They need cash not paper.

Isn't it hard for dealers the rent and utilities with loan paper?

That’s not how it works. The finance company pays the dealer in full, including any initial kick back, before the bike is released from the shop. Purchaser then owes the debt to the finance company, not the dealer.
They wouldn’t give me an ear. My niece operates a antique and tee shirt printing store and they got themselves declared essential business. Total crap.

I always wear mask and gloves but I could die from this job someday. We really don’t have much Covid here. If they issue to many directives it will drive costs up and people complain enough already. I would rather the government stand down a bit and let me make my choices.
The real problem is not the decisions that thinking, rational, intelligent people will make. It’s the bloody morons that outnumber us that cause draconian restrictions to be imposed. An intelligent person will go and sit alone on a park bench and that should be fine, but if it’s allowed how do you stop 1,000 other people wanting to do the same, in the same park at the same time. Unfortunately we’re all in this together.

I guess the dentist is not essential until you chew down and crack a molar.