I think this engine would be great in an off road four wheeler.
Not before they drop in price and they will drop especially with these knuckleheads stating this mess will carry on until late 2021. Stop the world, I wanna get off:(
We will not stay shut down like this for over a year. The public will not do it even if the government calls for it. I will will lead a civil disobedience movement myself.
Yes but..... the big but.... What if you live off your investments and they are making you money. You then finance a new vehicle with zero down and zero interest (or close to it). That $30k, $40K or $50k chunk you might have pulled from your investments to pay for said vehicle, could have been making you quite a bit of cash. Done properly, financing can actually save you on a vehicle purchase!!!

Now if the dealer is offering a big cash saving for a cash purchase, that might be different.... do the math first.

I paid cash for the last 2 bikes I bought. With the Rocket, if I remember correctly, it was 3.99% financing through Triumph for the full price of the bike. If I paid cash, I received a $4500 price reduction along with quite a few other perks. Went for the cash deal.... :)

That’s extraordinary. Why would they offer such a discount for cash? Dealers make money out of finance. They get an initial fee and then commission. The days of hiding cash coming into a legitimate business are long gone.
Must have been a roll-way, onto a trailer / truck type theft. Why I use a caliper lock. I know it wont prevent those who are highly determined, but it will stop the casual thief.[/QUOTE]

I love it when I'm right.
See post #55. You're welcome. Anyone need any other mystery's solved? I'm on it!
Must have been a roll-way, onto a trailer / truck type theft. Why I use a caliper lock. I know it wont prevent those who are highly determined, but it will stop the casual thief.

I love it when I'm right.
See post #55. You're welcome. Anyone need any other mystery's solved? I'm on it![/QUOTE]
I wish I was as smart as you.;)