Steering damper kits wanted!

I sent an email to "Scotts"

Dear Frank,

If you take a few pictures of your triple clamp and gas tank area and send them to me I will see if there is anything we can do. Please leave your phone number and I will call you.

Thank you,

Jake Hulsebus

Scotts Performance Products

Phone 818-248-6747

Fax 818-248-4529

Hours 9am-6pm (PST)

Who could help R3T riders to get rid of the hi-speed weave? Or do something for R3R captains like me, who just feel that inner need to go 160mph with a full screen? [/QUOTE]
Hello Cameo, yes your Rocket looks like the perfect example for the need for a damper. Oversize windscreen and beetle bags, I guess you might feel gusting winds become unsafe from as low as 90mph.
Hello Cameo, yes your Rocket looks like the perfect example for the need for a damper. Oversize windscreen and beetle bags, I guess you might feel gusting winds become unsafe from as low as 90mph.
90 - 100, yeah right about there.
I have started looking at damper configurations again. I agree the bike should be mostly stable. My steering head is adjusted properly and has fresh bearings packed and installed properly.

With the considerable geometry changes I’ve done as well as the extra power my bike will shake its head pretty good on really hard acceleration, the front tires pretty light all the way through 3rd gear.

Strangely it doesn’t bother me all that much, must be that I’m accustomed to it since the bike I learned on did the same thing at full power. I do want to get one though for safety reasons, it’s a legitimate concern now.

I have looked at a lot of different configurations on various bikes and there are only two solutions I can see working with Thunderbars, the GPR as warp has done or a linear damper mounted to the fork leg and top of the engine crash bar (not what I want to do).

@warp9.9 Can you give us a little more info? Which GPR did you use? What did you have to buy to connect it to the steering stem under the nut? How is the rod bracket at the front tank bolt held in place?


Bottom pic is the Daytona TT600 kit. Looks like the same parts!? Does this TT600 kit then just bolt up if using inverted Rivco risers?! IS IT THAT EASY?

Bottom pic is the Daytona TT600 kit. Looks like the same parts!? Does this TT600 kit then just bolt up if using inverted Rivco risers?! IS IT THAT EASY?

The Rocket above has the Rivco risers installed reversed. You can install them forward if you do some machining on the inside of the risers. Some modifications are required to the mounting post on the 600 kit but can be done easily with a good file or even a belt sander. I have been experimenting with the GPR V-4 radial damper to keep it lower than the Scott's. No one makes a kit for any damper radial or piston that fits the Rocket. So you pretty much mod as you go.
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But I am right in assuming the TT600 kit is a close starting point then?

If so it just jumped to the top of my mods list, need to kill the head shake when flat shifting 1-2 and 2-3, it’s a little much.
My R3T is hardly wobbly, but one thing I do notice, I cannot take hands off the bars. The bike will just drift one way or the other. My Intruder and Sportster both will track bone straight hands off. Not a terrible thing my Rocket won't but I want it to...Of course the windshield, lowers and other things sticking out may have an effect. I gonna take a jaunt without the windshield when it warms up and see what I can see.
But I am right in assuming the TT600 kit is a close starting point then?

If so it just jumped to the top of my mods list, need to kill the head shake when flat shifting 1-2 and 2-3, it’s a little much.

I noticed the headshake when I tried a top speed run. Letting off the throttle at 140+ mph created a disturbing little wobble, even with my moderately small windshield. That problem has kept me from shaking off a ****** rocket last year....