Starting to have some hip pain issues

Greetings from St.Catharines. My wife experienced hip pain when first driving my 2017 R3r. She only got three houses down the street when it happened. Sturgess Cycle in hamilton has planned to install the peg setup found on the Touring bike which will have the pegs and shifter 6 inches further up as it is on her 2006 Speed master. Now I am experiencing the same discomfort to a lesser degree. After selling my Triumph Speed Master I was left with an Airhawk seat pad and decided to give that a try. It left me too high on the seat and after adjusting the mirrors found that it was unsafe to drive. I was now too high over the handle bars and would have found myself on the front fender attemping an emergency stop. So, the only alternative is the touring settup the parts for which will run you $1,000.00 plus labour.
Bill Osborne

He has a Touring already, he is seeking a complete swap for your Roadster foot rail and pegs, gear and brake levers etc. They are swap-able.
Well if any of you guys are close to Pittsburgh this specialist is totally worth going to see.
Hey Ishurb on your title I notice retired and loving it, congratulations.
I feel your pain. I’m 59 and for years my right hip could barely take five hours sitting in a car. I started riding my bicycle and my hip flexibility has really improved. Pain’s gone and I can mount my motorcycle without leaning to get my leg over. It’s tough getting started, but worth it. I know that one solution doesn’t fit everyone, but something to consider.

As a side note, when my blood pressure spiked, the doctors prescribed pills. I’d look at them and think, “Why don't you tell me to quit sitting around shoving salty food and beer in my face?” Maybe they know that would be pointless.

Well if any of you guys are close to Pittsburgh this specialist is totally worth going to see.
Hey Ishurb on your title I notice retired and loving it, congratulations.
Cheers mate - it has been there since I joined in 2016. I haven't worked a day since 1st July 2015!

I'm just past a toddler in the 3rd life!
Rolls-Hog,glad your feeling better.
Doctors only know to give pills, nothing on nutrition.
My buddy just had a Heart attack and the doctor said he should just be on a meat diet and it’s ok to have bacon every weekend because that’s his favorite, I told him he’s asking for another heart attack, he said his specialist said it’s ok.
Bacon is so greasy and fat and that’s what will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack or stroke, he thinks all he needs to do is loose weight and he was told to have as much meat as he wants.

Ishurb, really sorry looks like I’m becoming more observant the older I get
Well it’s not just the more “seasoned” generation. I’m 28 and I have a hard time riding my 05’ Classic more than an hour before I have to get off. With my feet forward and arms stretched I get terrible lower back pain. But, if I put my feet on the rear pegs or let my feet fall below my hips the pain instantly goes away. Also, riding my wife’s CB1100 I have no problems at all. I’m 6’, 200lbs and in decent shape and I think some of us are just built for different positions. It’s bad enough that I’m thinking of switching bikes because the roadster pegs still aren’t far enough back. There was a post on here of a guy that did a custom set up and made a sport bike position out of his roadster but I can’t find it to try and mimic it.
Why not get floor board so your able to move your feet back more then the pegs.

Hummm. Pain with low back flexion/slouched produce pain that reverses rapidly with extension. Looks like you have a postural problem. Get a back rest and sit upright. In what seems to be an exaggerated upright position. Do reps or low back extension contractions in this position. Add those hip/low back extension stretches to this. Avoid slouching at all times, specially on the bike. Read Robbin McKenzie's Treat your won back. Flexion/slouching is the root of most back problems. Good luck with your back.
Different handlebars will help. Consider getting the seat re-sculptured. The OEM seat tends to allow you to roll back incorrectly.
One thing that was exacerbating similar pains for me turned out to be a coccyx protection pad in the pants I was wearing - simply was pushing into the seat wrong and putting pressure on.