hey guys this is the first major problem I've had with the bike. I've had couple warranty things and a recall but never left me stuck. I have a 2008 triumph rocket 3 classic I bought new in 2009 I have over 11k miles on it. I'm on my 3rd battery the current battery is almost 2 years old. like the other battery they test good but lower CCA. I drove the bike yesterday just fine today I drive it ten min down the road to the store and I try to start the bike and just a click. I try couple time then the light go out after the click. the battery test 12.49volts I get my father that drives the battery van for AAA test good low CCA we try jump starting and just a click. we then jump the starter and it fires up but won't stay running with out the jump pack on battery and my check lets going off. just paid the bike off and the closest dealer is not doing triumphs anymore. out of warranty and I'm thinking battery as the last battery did something like it. it just quit and put new battery in it and been fine. this is something new with the lights and the click. your thought guys its thanksgiving tomorrow so not doing much with it. charging the battery and testing and will buy new one but never had this issue its been the best bike I ever had.