Even though your battery tests at 13v, it doesn't mean it's strong. Try putting your light on hi beam and leave them on to see how soon they dim out. Unless you have led's, the lights should stay on 10 minutes or so. If not, then your battery is too weak to turn over the engine. I've found with a bad battery, with good voltage with a charger boost, my bonnie would not start, new battery, no problem, battery problems can be confusing.

Even though your battery tests at 13v, it doesn't mean it's strong. Try putting your light on hi beam and leave them on to see how soon they dim out. Unless you have led's, the lights should stay on 10 minutes or so. If not, then your battery is too weak to turn over the engine. I've found with a bad battery, with good voltage with a charger boost, my bonnie would not start, new battery, no problem, battery problems can be confusing.

13v was the reading this morningnwhen it was cold. There was little change in the voltage after I had been trying to start the bike today and have had the electrics and lights switched on for some time today. I put it back on charge and its currently 13.6v. Its a Motobatt battery that was bought new only a few months ago in March this year. I really don't think its a battery issue so other possibilities or suggestions would greatly be appreciated of how to route down the problem. Advice regarding the solenoid and diagnosing it would also be appreciated.
I have been chasing the dreaded click for ages tried everything but mine clicks at the starter.There is a soleniod repair kit u can buy on ebay.Also there is starter relay mod which i did and has really made a difference.I think your problem is with your ignition switch as the bike is resetting its self afterwards but i am no expert. Only stuff i have tried. Have u checked earth lead that connects to engine near starter. Also there is the connector under the tank which people have had trouble with.lose connections to your coils have been known to cause problems I feel your pain my friend gone through all these and read through hours of threads about this problem.Do you have tune ecu check if you have any error codes.
I have been chasing the dreaded click for ages tried everything but mine clicks at the starter.There is a soleniod repair kit u can buy on ebay.Also there is starter relay mod which i did and has really made a difference.I think your problem is with your ignition switch as the bike is resetting its self afterwards but i am no expert. Only stuff i have tried. Have u checked earth lead that connects to engine near starter. Also there is the connector under the tank which people have had trouble with.lose connections to your coils have been known to cause problems I feel your pain my friend gone through all these and read through hours of threads about this problem.Do you have tune ecu check if you have any error codes.
That's helpful bigprop. I have seen the solenoid repair kit on ebay and was considering that as its only about £13.50 or so. I'll have a look at the earth connections too.

What is the starter relay mod? And how would that help?
As i believe it helps the ignition switch from overload and this mod helps relieve that check out triumph rocket 3 relay mod on u tube also search for when your starter just goes click how to fix it on this forum.Main connector under tank would be a good place to start i think because of the reset after pushing start button.
I call his majesty to the fray @DEcosse - but if the head lights are NOT going out then the starter relay (not the big solenoid) may be defective. My lectrics are now somewhat modified and is a 2009 - but iirc the starter relay disconnect the headlights when it passes current to the Starter Solenoid.
It's not an Ignition switch problem on a roadster - neither headlight or starter solenoid current goes through switch

Headlights should go out when starter relay is operated- if you can't really see put it on high beam and monitor the blue light while attempting to start - even after the click/clack keep starter pressed
If blue light goes out then indeed relay is switching (if it goes out briefly then back on again after the 'clack' I would suggest a battery issue - if it stays off while holding the button it would suggest a solenoid issue)

Side-stand will only be factor if you do not have neutral light

The battery voltages you are reporting are clearly with ignition on which is kinda meaningless when there is zero load - turn ignition on with headlights on and measure voltage while lights are ON.
Sounds like a battery issue. Ye could try a jump start an see if it turns over.If yer really stuck an need a haun I'm in Glasgow too.PM me.