This fixed mine.
Rocket starter relay is design flaw. Starter relay should have power source straight from battery, not through poorly wiring harnes, ignition lock, fusebox on lots of too thin wire. So we need to install extra relay to solve problem causing starter only click but engine not cranking.
Starter relay is located under right side cover and is first rfom rear., Other relyi is for turning signals.
Take of relay, insert some thin pin to release lock and remove BLACK cable. Its the one thatr goes to starter motor.
Do some wiring like in pick to new basic 30A 4-pin relay. pin 30 through 20A fuse to battery, Connect 87 to black wire you just detached from original relay, 85 to ground and connect 86 to original relays pin where black cable used to be.
No need to change cables, install second battery, buy lithium batteries or any other expensive things.