If I remember, it's the ground that's the weak link, when I upgraded my starter, I put in a heavier ground wire.
Yes mine needed to be upgraded it was slowing down the starter.
Might have been the way they crimped the terminals
I have since recrimped and soldered all the terminals and put another battery in the air filter box (had to break out some of the top of air filter box)
All of this was done because of a cold start problem i once had.
I am not good at explaining so will try again.
On the battery cables they need to be thick to flow the current/amps but the rest of the bike electrical system is less than 30 amps and is fused with a 30 amp fuse.
On my bike i think that the negative cable was going bad so i just added another cable to it and that helped a lot.
When I upgraded my starter i never gave it a thought (until your post) lol
It works real good and might work even better with a better positive cable.
While I had the engine out I replaced both the pos. and neg. cables with 4/0 welding lead, it's an over kill, but had it at the house. Battery is cca 330amp and the Toyota bigger starter.