Starter Click, Rocking to move the crank works.


.020 Over
Mar 14, 2019
Southern Maine
2011 Triumph R3 Touring
Hi gang,

I hope everyone is well. Starting last year on my 2011 R3T with 17,000 miles. I hit the starter just to hear it click with no crank movement, I rock the bike in a high gear to move the crank / pistons etc. and the bike will turn over and start right up. I did several searches but with so many variations of this symptom I don't have a clear picture of potential issues.

I have done the following:
  • New topped off battery.
  • Batter pack.
  • Jumper cables.
I have been told the following:
  • Compression valve?
  • Battery is junk.
  • Starter is junk.
  • Owner is junk.
Any thoughts? Is this some kind of top dead center compression thing?

Thank you,
I have helped a lot of rocket guys with the starter click and it is never easy or this is the problem. I remember a guy with the same problem maybe he will answer up.
There is a small click (not loud) that sends you in one direction
Then there is a loud clack which sends you in another direction.
Assuming you have the loud clack what is happening is when you move the crank this allows the starter to match up with the flywheel teeth better and allows the starter to work.

Could be a lot of things.
Change starter 5 prong relay
As a check run a wire with 20 amp fuse from battery to number 30 on the starter relay and see if that will start it every time.
Replace starter with up graded starter.
A guy in Canada had a problem like yours and had some experts working on it (messed it up big time then told him that the wound not work on it) so after a lot of hours had him do the wire with fuse to number 30 starter relay it became dependable which meant he had a problem with resistance on that wire we never corrected the wire also they cut his headlights wiring so we got low beams I think he's coming to Tucson Az for vacation so I can finish the job.
Try this, it worked for me.

Rocket starter relay is design flaw. Starter relay should have power source straight from battery, not through poorly wiring harnes, ignition lock, fusebox on lots of too thin wire. So we need to install extra relay to solve problem causing starter only click but engine not cranking.
Starter relay is located under right side cover and is first rfom rear., Other relyi is for turning signals.
Take of relay, insert some thin pin to release lock and remove BLACK cable. Its the one thatr goes to starter motor.
Do some wiring like in pick to new basic 30A 4-pin relay. pin 30 through 20A fuse to battery, Connect 87 to black wire you just detached from original relay, 85 to ground and connect 86 to original relays pin where black cable used to be.
No need to change cables, install second battery, buy lithium batteries or any other expensive things.
Fred that's a good fix im sure but the touring is set up different and may not work?attached is touring and roadster classic electric route, #70 is touring route and #64 is for roadster/classic, ???


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Turbo and Rocket scientists can definitely get you sorted, just throwing it out there, being its a touring model i would go over all the ground connections assuming they were bad, check, unpin, disconnect, clean and blue loctite when done on nuts, and dielectric grease on the ground connector above rectifier that goes to battery after visual inspection to verify its good, and cleaned, the starter relay should be removed and housing cleaned with good electrical cleaner, put a new starter relay in.
Fred that's a good fix im sure but the touring is set up different and may not work?attached is touring and roadster classic electric route, #70 is touring route and #64 is for roadster/classic, ???
It would work the same. The idea is to supply the solenoid with power straight from the battery (through a fuse for safety). You do that by taking the wire that goes from the original start relay to the solenoid, and using that to trigger the additional relay that then connects the battery straight to the solenoid.
If you do the direct wire to terminal 30 and it works. My fix that I have posted will take care of your problem.