would it be better to do the RDU weekend before the GP so the guys coming from interstate only have to fit in a couple of days before heading to the GP for practice days etc. Other wise they may need to take more Holidays than they can afford to fit both in.
Hey Ponters,
IMHO I don't think your gunna please everybody.
Leaving this open for discussion is just going to go around in circles...
I know setting it around GP is a great idea and its over a year away so in my mind that's heaps of notice for anyone.
Going with the flow or what the majority want is not a vote, so for now. We're in..
Don't know what happened with forum but had to reregister
I think we all agree that not everyone is going to be happy so taking on board what everyone has said I think we'll go with
The weekend before MotoGP 2014. When they announce the date we'll do the same. Until then keep mid October-late October 2014 booked out for RDU Melbourne.
We'll keep this thread going till we know the date.
LOL..... I lived at a boarding house in Fitzory Street ST Kilda when I first moved over in the early 80's, I couldn't figure why the neighbors moved out every hour..... young & naive I guess
Thanks mate. Probably wont organise much at the moment as it is a way off but thought we should confirm a date to help everyone coming from further afield to get there arses organised and make sure they get here.
Yeah not sure yet. Will chat with a few of the local blokes and see what they reckon. will keep you posted or let me know if you have a particualr interest in a spot.
LOL, yep, but we'll definitely have to ride ALL THE WAY to chapel street and Lygon street too. That way we can have coffee, cakes and rev our bikes as we do 10kph in bumper to bumper traffic!
LOL..... I lived at a boarding house in Fitzory Street ST Kilda when I first moved over in the early 80's, I couldn't figure why the neighbors moved out every hour..... young & naive I guess
LMAO, yep, and now three is more restaurants. Melbourne, its where you have a coffee machine for every beer tap you find in other states. Richard, you probably wont need your esspersso machine this time! I've got a 12v 16PSI machine that fits nicely in my pannier! LOL