I think RDU should be run by a ' committee of one' ... it's short history shows that when more than one Owners is involved in planning the event it's a nightmare. Ok to get feedback on dates and venues but the other stuff should be left to just one Owner to organise. It's not as if we are hosting and catering for thousands. Those around at the time of the Hervey Bay RDU will remember the ****fights that took place. Batemans Bay was no different, it was worse if anything. As long as it's kept simple and no-ones wanting jumping castles and face painting ... it shouldn't be a drama. Just my thoughts.
I hear ya mate. I'll try and accomodate anyone with a special need but if I'm organising stuff, well thats exactly what i'll do. I am confident that most people just want to get together, have a laugh, break bread, take some time out, check out bikes, ride and enjoy meeting up with mates and new people alike.
I appreciate your comment mate and will definitely run with it.
March/april or october good for me , And location around Bright would be great . I can get my mother inlaw to knit some cardigans and beanies for the QLders if they think its too cold down here
Yeah October seems to be the go.
Being a Queenslander Moroon would be nice
Pete, you know most victorians wouldnt know what you are talking about. FOrtunately Im married to a QLD'r and know a teams colour but dont say it too loud when you cross the border, apparently there a snipers looking for Qld'rs wearing moroon wear! LOL
Definitely!!! Broad outline can be debated, thereafter decisions made by the anointed organiser...... comment made from experience.....
Yep, I agree.
It's a little like this as far as I see it. I love my bike, I love riding it, I love some great roads. That's pretty much the only things I am really confident I am almost identical to with everyone on this site. The rest of people and there lives can be so different it aint funny. This is a SOCIAL get together and like any SOCIAL event, not every one will see eye to eye, not everyone will like the host or what they've organised.
All I say is, if you dont like me or dont like what the Victorians organise, come along anyway. Hang out with the blokes and lassies you do like. Talk to as many or as few as you wish. Criticise what we organise, where we go, what we, wear, and whatever else you like, as long as you have a great time and ride safe, all is good.
In SOCIAL environments, I tend to not really give too much of a phuck, so if you want to give **** for something have a go at me and leave the sensitive people alone. I understand that if we were a club, there would be an appropriate protocol to follow in organising an event. As we arent, all we can do is organise what we feel will be the most enjoyable possible and leave the rest to everyone coming to make there own fun of it.
I dont have any interest in how and when you get here JUST GET HERE. Once you are here I'll try and make the most of our time together.
If anyone wants to complain or have a dig at anything, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, email me direct on complaints@idontgivea****.com, if i dont reply immediately it is because I am busy having a life but hope you feel better for letting it out.