No, sir. Will not start without clutch engaged.
Well, I would have been surprised if that was the problem, but since it was near the grips it seemed worth a look. Btw, if your gas gauge ever quits working, that's almost surely the reason (for future knowledge).

You said, "Once it warms up, it is much better and almost normal." I'd look at the stepper motor, sticky throttle body linkages, throttle cables needs lube or replacement.

Less likely if it runs good after warming would be the TPS or fuel filter.

The stepper motor controls the idle when warming up. Run TuneECU to check and make proper adjustment, or it may need cleaning or replacement. Some of us have removed it all together (a source of debate), but then you have to man the throttle to help it warm up.

I'd also get a toothbrush and WD-40 and clean the throttle body linkages up really good.

Lube your throttle cables (or replace).

All just my 2¢

p.s. Be sure to let us know what it turns out to be. It'll help someone else in the future.
That engine miss sure sounds electrical to me... Like a 'make and break" taking place. Loose primary wires on the coils??? What about the red shut off switch in right handlebar housing? Could those wires have been pinched when bolting back in place causing the problem?? Since the bike ran good before your grip change, I'd really look closely at both handlebar control mounts to see if any of those wires were pinched/broken/shorted. Can't believe simply replacing the grips would cause even the coil primary wires to be loose I suggested but... willing to try anything.
That engine miss sure sounds electrical to me... Like a 'make and break" taking place. Loose primary wires on the coils??? What about the red shut off switch in right handlebar housing? Could those wires have been pinched when bolting back in place causing the problem?? Since the bike ran good before your grip change, I'd really look closely at both handlebar control mounts to see if any of those wires were pinched/broken/shorted. Can't believe simply replacing the grips would cause even the coil primary wires to be loose I suggested but... willing to try anything.
That would do it. Easy to check (except for #1).

Sometimes things like that just come up and it merely a coincidence that you were working on something else at the time.
As per Turbo, slacken your throttle cables and start see if it idles better.