Spy shots new rocket

No, No NO! The Rocket 2 was a V-twin. The 6 cylinder you're thinking of was called a Rocket 6.

I do see your point though.

BTW..."Diavel" was already taken. By Aprillia I believe. :roll:
THE Diavel makes 130 RWHP and a deristricted ROCKET makes 170+ RWHP so thats the comparison and Im sure the 2500 is going to be stronger probably close to 200 HP and then you can do a CARPENTER package WOW no comparison
You are so dead wrong my man. Stay up with the times or go home and shut up. The new Diavel makes 152 horse stock. They increased the engine size this year. The 200 horse on the Rocket is for the limited addition only around $35,000. Standard New rocket will only have 150 Horse. Seat on the new Diavel has been redesigned. Bike for bike the diavel would be a better buy. Less weight more horsepower. Plus the diavel has been around for awhile and most of the bugs worked out. Truimph is attempting to enter this market by their redesigning of the Rocket three. You can take it to the bank they screwed something up. If i was interested in a bike designed like the new Rocket i would buy the Diavel. Not interested prefer the old Rocket X. Where in the Hel# would i place my daily riding bag? For that matter where in the Hel3 would i place my travel bag for long trips? Looked at the Diavel before buying the Rocket X. Liked it but was not practical for a guy who rides a lot and has a wife that likes to ride every so often. The new rocket is nice but not my cup of tea. Just get your facts straight my man. You talk too much out of your #ss to be taken seriously.
Well I’m not gonna lie, I’m interested!!!!
The fill cap is on the high side finally. Anyway you look at it screams progress of the Rocket line. This mule will probably have different skins as the development continues. I see a lot of changes I like. Now whether I'll cough up the ching to get it is not in the cards at this time. I fell head over heals after reading the description in an article and wanted the 1st Rocket III in my town back in 04'. Only got 90k on the 06' now. Still rocks me fine. Let me see what changes and bling comes with it down the road.
The fill cap is on the high side finally. Anyway you look at it screams progress of the Rocket line. This mule will probably have different skins as the development continues. I see a lot of changes I like. Now whether I'll cough up the ching to get it is not in the cards at this time. I fell head over heals after reading the description in an article and wanted the 1st Rocket III in my town back in 04'. Only got 90k on the 06' now. Still rocks me fine. Let me see what changes and bling comes with it down the road.
50,000 on a Rocket X bought new in 2015 get my point. Would love to see a practical rocket. This new one ain't it. Hel5 could not even carry my lunch to work on the dan% thing. What good is that?
TOTALLY wrong as usual too much fire water I dont know what your talking about your FACTS are all wrong no way 152 REAR WHEEL HP for the DIAVEL go check your facts its all fake news from you THE 2016 made 131 HP and the new 1260 makes 143 HP with th aftermarket exhaust BUT steels old 2006 Rocket with 135000 miles made 170 + hp with the CARP BRUTE pipe and the new 2500 is going to make way more when tuned
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Get real my man. You think the claimed 200 horse on the new rocket is the rear wheel performance? I do not believe that their is a motorcycle manufacture out there that discloses the actually rear wheel horse power including Truimph. Just saying. Yes the the diavel is rated at 152 horse like it or not. Very fast and well made bike. You need to do more research and less running your mouth.:D:D:D:D:D Would i buy either one? NOT. Just read your update. Remember we are talking about stock bikes not modified. You continuously try to adjust your argument but fail in every aspect. Looking at 61 this year hopefully i hang better than you. Would be very disappointing if my brain gives out like yours. Of course I talk out of my mouth not the other end hopefully that will keep me on top. o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
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