Speedometer Calibration

Aren't these new motorcycles a contradiction? The technical wizardry with the potential accuracy of an atomic clock, yet these clocks feed us purposely corrupted data. Imagine a Longines, Patek or Rolex purposely calibrated 8% fast because of some possible liability if it were 1% slow. Absurd?

With my 2014 Super Duke R a fellow in Australia figured out the ABS slotted disk on the front wheel was the culprit. Made a bunch of disks with the proper number of slots and the bike now reliably tells me why I'm going to jail if caught.

Another solution... to a problem I didn't have: TPMS. Problem is, if you (like me) prefer to drop 5lbs pressure for all sorts of reasons, your motorcycle turns into a nag. Just wish I could set the TPMS to a value of my own choosing!
Can I get an Amen!
I have confirmed that the speedometer on my bike (R3 GT) is approximately 10% higher than the actual speed/distance and as such my Odometer will be 10% high.
Does anyone know of a way to calibrate the speedometer on these bikes yet?

I'm having the same issue with my new 2021 R3GT. Speedo says 70 and my experience tells me I'm doing 60 at the most. My GPS app on my phone confirms. Is there a recalibration fix that the dealer and their magic computer can do?
I'm having the same issue with my new 2021 R3GT. Speedo says 70 and my experience tells me I'm doing 60 at the most. My GPS app on my phone confirms. Is there a recalibration fix that the dealer and their magic computer can do?
After reading this thread I decided to do a 'speed test'. I rode with three other guys, I set my cruise to 80mph, they set their cruise to a speed where the distance between us was constant. Their indicated speed what was 74 mph, while mine was 80. We did it again at 65 mph, their speed was 61. They all rode Honda MC's. So the it seems mine is about 9% off relative to theirs. No wonder everyone was passing me on the highway.
Usually if you can find a setting for tire diameter, you can adjust that... I can change that value in my truck which makes sense, but I don't think motorcycles leave that possibility open...
So, we are paying for more service, overall.? Not much per person, but I'm sure it may add up over the entire program. Just sayin.
I have confirmed that the speedometer on my bike (R3 GT) is approximately 10% higher than the actual speed/distance and as such my Odometer will be 10% high.
Does anyone know of a way to calibrate the speedometer on these bikes yet?

I calibrated my speedo with Google maps GPS and TuneECU but mine is a 2011. I don't know if there is a speed adjustment for the new gen Rockets.