Aren't these new motorcycles a contradiction? The technical wizardry with the potential accuracy of an atomic clock, yet these clocks feed us purposely corrupted data. Imagine a Longines, Patek or Rolex purposely calibrated 8% fast because of some possible liability if it were 1% slow. Absurd?
With my 2014 Super Duke R a fellow in Australia figured out the ABS slotted disk on the front wheel was the culprit. Made a bunch of disks with the proper number of slots and the bike now reliably tells me why I'm going to jail if caught.
Another solution... to a problem I didn't have: TPMS. Problem is, if you (like me) prefer to drop 5lbs pressure for all sorts of reasons, your motorcycle turns into a nag. Just wish I could set the TPMS to a value of my own choosing!