speed bump damage

Is your motor lowered?
Are your fork seals or rear shockies puked?
Very sorry for your damage. File a damage claim with the owner.

Bike has not been lowered and shocks and forks are good. Bike has 21000 miles so all is still like new. I did file a claim with corporate. There response is that they aren't liable. I'm thinking that if they are going to put speed bumps that they have a responsibility to construct them to be safe for the types of vehicles that would be entering their facility. And in a mini storage facility that's open to the public, that would be all types of vehicles.
Let's not jabber about how it happen let's get it fixed.

I don't tell people my dilemmas in life so they won't make fun of me but basically the same thing happened to me. I had a flat tire on the rear of my Roadster so I called a friend with a trailer. As I was riding the bike on the trailer it caught the sump and ripped out the drain plug and cracked the sump around the plug. Ordered new sump and gasket, replaced, and lesson learned.

In your case you might be able to save the sump if you can get the damage plugs out. Take the sump off then take it to a machine shop to see if they can get the plugs out. If the sump is cracked other that the plug housing it can be braised.
HEY they are dangerous BUT how can you not see it and slow down ton a crawl

I was at a crawl. The gate goes across the top of this speed bump and was closed when I approached so I came to a dead stop right in front of it and waited for it to open. I couldn't have picked up much speed in just 3 to 4 feet.
Hey guys, I appreciate all your responses and I didn't mean to sound like I was whining about my misfortune. Mainly, I was wanting to see if you guys thought the facility had any responsibility for their speed bumps if they were abnormally high and rough. I have a quote from the dealership for $540.00 or do it my self and save the labor of about $160.00. This price includes new sump plate gasket and sealing screws and oil.
It's not hard to change. Just be mindful of screw lengths. I can't remember if they are all the same. One thing to watch for is one of the screws toward the inside has a little copper washer on it.
Is this where you work?
If not, I would file a small claims action.
That is NO WAY a proper speed bump at all and is merely a lip made to function with a sliding gate.
JMHO and I could even be correct . . .
Is this where you work?
If not, I would file a small claims action.
That is NO WAY a proper speed bump at all and is merely a lip made to function with a sliding gate.
JMHO and I could even be correct . . .

No this isn't my work, it's a mini storage facility where I have all my tools and such stored until I get my garage built. I was thinking of filling a small claims case and wanted some unbiased opinions on wether or not I might have a chance of winning, Thankyou for yours.

A lot of lawyers have a free consultation for different things might be worth a phone call.