South Coast meet up

:laugh: so long as they leave your arse cheeks proud of the tarmac , so @bigprop can park his bike ! :p

Have to reverse into that parking space be to big for front wheel so i've heard:whitstling:.Don't know if i want to put my virgin chromes in that position don't know what has been there before:eek:but can imagine:sick:
Surely one or two of the older ones are still nostalgic regarding woad!.

NOPE!!! no takers remember our GOC travels a lot so word has spread to all the moors,fields ,farms and night clubs in the UK.Also @barbagris can i just say that if i seem to be on my phone a lot with a blank expression on my face when we meet on the 2nd. I am not being rude it's just that being a knuckle dragging neanderthal front prop rugby player i have to google most of the words that you use in your posts.So please be patient and gentle with me.I mean woad? a yellow flowered European plant of the cabbage family.It was formerly widely grown in Britain as a source of blue dye get it now :D:D:D:D there is hope
Have to reverse into that parking space be to big for front wheel so i've heard:whitstling:.Don't know if i want to put my virgin chromes in that position don't know what has been there before:eek:but can imagine:sick:
So you're saying I've a huge anus that has been battered to death by all and sundry? Tsk, Tsk, do you believe all the gossip you hear?
.Also @barbagris can i just say that if i seem to be on my phone a lot with a blank expression on my face when we meet on the 2nd.
No sweat Jon, I cun speke fluen' Lunnun like 'swel. Unerstannit anyow. Sbin a whyl but I'll get yer drift!.

And dear ol' GOC - What can I say?. I think this is a family show - You cant really expect to get away with photos of your knob.
No sweat Jon, I cun speke fluen' Lunnun like 'swel. Unerstannit anyow. Sbin a whyl but I'll get yer drift!.

And dear ol' GOC - What can I say?. I think this is a family show - You cant really expect to get away with photos of your knob.
Come now my dear man, that was a portrait of @bigprop, nothing sexually deviant or outlandish about that!