Son of the Mad Dog; Three Sisters Advice

What are you guys talking about ? I see a video of a bunch of Harley's riding around in circles in a parking lot ?
The guy that blocked the pass is an p*******. He caused the crash and almost killed two people. Unless you are on the track, if someone comes out to pass you, damit, let them pass. Let them know you see them and make a safe to passme gesture if the road is clear.
If you did that in the twisties, you would be going 15mph. Everyone is taking a leap of faith and enter turns in which you eat whatever is in front of you. There's no stopping room.

I'll never admit to that!

Also, I never saw any attempt to block the red guy's pass???
I'll never admit to that!

Also, I never saw any attempt to block the red guy's pass???

15-16 sec into the video. The bike on the right accelerates and drifts to the left forcing the passer past the double yellow line. He accelerates past a safe entry speed. The second bike missed the turn and was luck not to have a front end crash with incoming. The bike to the right is able to make a sudden stop which forces the second trailing bike off kilter and causes the crash. In fact, if you listen to the whole video you can hear the guy apologizing for doing that. Yeah, you jerk after almost killing me and having me destroy my ride.

Iv had someone with a better braking bike than mine pretend he was going to cross and intersection and super-stop just before to show me how bad my brakes were and how good his were. I crossed the intersection with my rear tire locked. Then the guy comes over to make fun of my smoking rear tire and tells me "Hey Rick you need a beemer with ABS" If you are in a fast train of bikes, you have to protect the biker in front and behind you.
Man, I watched it 3 or 4 times, I just don't see it, Rick.

First paragraph:
Naw, Amigo. camera = #1 - red rider = #2 - gray rider = #3
#2 accelerated to pass #3. #3 never left the right wheel track area of the lane.
#2 started to pass #3 in the left wheel track (illegal!) when #2 moved off the fog back into the right wheel track, #2 moved onto the center line.
Anyone attempting a pass in the same lane is stupid. Always give a rider the whole lane and pass like you would a cage.
#3 did nothing wrong and anyone traveling behind him must allow enough distance to stop if the vehicle ahead has an emergency.
That's why the two second following rule!

Second paragraph:
I hope you use both brakes!?!
Depending on rider skill, ABS will stop much better for the average rider. But, a very skilled rider can beat the ABS stop distance.
Practice, practice - best done when you are ready for new tires.

Steve, obviously they all lacked skills and experience. If I see or hear you or anyone come out to pass me on a one lane road, I'm hugging the right side and give you all the room I can. As far as me passing you, that is never going to happen but, if I ever did ever were even close to make such a pass attempt, you would help me make the safest pass possible unless we were racing for $$$$, then you would probably block me and I would expect you to.

As far as the second issue, I made the mistake of trusting my ridding buddy with speed approaching changing intersection signal light. You know that I am not a very skilled rider. Most people are not. That's why we have ABS on most modern bikes. His sudden stop was unexpected mean and ill intended and could have caused a crash. When I ride I use both front and back brakes. The R3 has a tendency to lock the rear. I have since learned a little and have not locked the rear in quite a while.
Super, Rick.
Remember you have legal right to the entire lane width when riding a motor. Only exception would be if riding in two up formation, which most do not do.
Anyone could get sucked in like that Adam Henry did to you at that signal. Never ever trust a leader or rider in front at signals or pulling out into an intersection. Always do your own dilligence.

@Tal before the ride having a nap.
Arrived at Cafe in time for brunch Tal point out to Steve where he was having his nap earlier and asking if he could have another seen it was a bit warmer now after the ride.

And the back of the Triumph as that what most people get to see as we fly by.
We actually gave Steve a hand put a cross over pipe on before heading away. Getting rid if the cat and about 8 kgs of weight.