engine crane..borrow or cheap enough to buy and use another day. I also find its easier to take the frame off the engine on other bikes so something to chew over..
Thanks for the suggestion and advice overnight all. Going to get started on her this morning, I only asked for the gears to be undercut, so if the additional shaft work was done I'll be surprised.
I was thinking about that rotation direction last night, originally I'd intended to rotate it around counter-clockwise so I could avoid taking even the TBs or Oil tank off, but clockwise is smarter so... off they come first thing.
I have NEVER ridden an Italian bike I did not like. But Ducati's are BASTARDS (ime) to maintain. The workshop costs are what convinced me NOT to get an ST2 in the mid '90's - but it was stunning to ride.
I wonder what the "grunt" limits on a Motus block are?
Thanks for the suggestion and advice overnight all. Going to get started on her this morning, I only asked for the gears to be undercut, so if the additional shaft work was done I'll be surprised.
I was thinking about that rotation direction last night, originally I'd intended to rotate it around counter-clockwise so I could avoid taking even the TBs or Oil tank off, but clockwise is smarter so... off they come first thing.
The Ducati Maintenance issues are what have kept me away thus far from them, however, I don't believe they're as bad as some make them out to be.
I would trade my car, rocket, and daytona + cash tomorrow if Motus would offer a factory supercharged bike that had ABS.
Alas, Motus are determined to end up like Eric Buell and refuse to get with the times on electronics. It's a shame because the bikes are great.
As i understood it Robinson's machines a wider ring groove allowing for a stronger cir-clip thanks to being thicker. This would be good for the shaft to maintain strength. Although a slight reduction in groove size to meet the cir-clip specs might or might not have to happen.
Just one word - DESMO. It is a little less of an issue on the belt driven heads - but the old shimmed bevel driven heads were (and are) a genuine PITA. And keeping the old belt head carb'd bikes right was an ongoing (almost weekly) challenge. I have had a couple.
I would buy a Motus tourer with no qualms - But there is NOT A CHANCE of them passing emission laws here. I can live without ABS.
I had a pre-electronics 1997 Buell. Easiest bike to maintain I have ever owned. Stunning chassis. Stock brakes were weak - But Mr Brembo fixed that.
I have a sneaking love of MV's too.
It's only speculation until he cracks the case and like @Neville Lush said, clean before you roll her over otherwise it might be like dumping a bucket of sand in her first. Myself, I would have dropped the sump first for inspection and cleaning. This can still be done. Even after that when you roll her over keep rolling her towards the transmission to keep any bits there.