Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

@mr hunt

Please clarify if you don’t mind:

If I drop the motor, flip it upside down, I can then split the cases without disturbing the balance shaft, crank, or valvetrain right? I think I’m seeing it like that in the manual.

Yes, the transmission can be accessed that way; without disturbing the crank or cam timing as you will not be releasing the tensioner. I will read on. Sorry went out for a 300+ mile jaunt to the OBX
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Cryogenic aging merely increases the rate (time) of the transfomation of retained austenite in the material during the controled temperature reduction. The austenite will probably tramsform to a bainitic structure. In the old days they would throw it on the shelf and it would transform over time.
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As far as I got today. Engine is free in the frame, just need to figure out to get it out of the frame lol.

No overhead structure I can use, need to think on this before I try and force something to work and end up breaking something.

Don't forget to remove the Temp Sensor on the back of the Cylinder head.
If you don't ... do you want the Part Number for a replacement one ?
In have to agree with my brothers from the bottom half of the island, not just you Rob but others also are trying to over engineer the rocket, now is it a strong bike -yes we all know it is but all machinery has its limitations.
The bike is a work of love for you, but when does the time come to stop throwing money at it and buy a bike which can do what you are after straight off the showroom floor.
When I first read your post the movie Money Pit jumped into my head, which ever route you take good luck and keep us posted.
Don't forget to remove the Temp Sensor on the back of the Cylinder head.
If you don't ... do you want the Part Number for a replacement one ?

Thanks for looking out, I got it off. Literally just have to get the front end up about 10 inches and slide the motor out and I'm set, will work it out in the morning.

Goal tomorrow is split the cases and figure out what broke, then I'll spend a few hours cleaning everything and inspecting.
In the old days they would throw it on the shelf and it would transform over time.
So Mr @Claviger - Basically - get the parts made - Buy a Panigale - Go play for a year or so and then rebuild the box.

Being OCD ime has a shed load of drawbacks. The big one is when the ageing grey matter starts shrieking when they get no rest. This means ime - drugs.
Worse still when they are rested and you do't have enough light to see. We have SUN today - I have a longish list of tasks "under the tank".