Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

While you're doing all this, you could send me your '14 factory fitted ECU and I'll see if the Triumph software will unlock it to take earlier Roadster maps (e.g. the 9000rpm one) like my '17 one does

For automotive use there's an application where its essentially cold tempered for lack of a better term. The rate it warmed controls the end strength, slow controlled warming from extreme cold yields a stronger crystalline structure in gears. I've seen a lot of people explain why it doesn't work, but I've seen more anecdotal evidence proving it absolutely works, it's also not nearly as expensive as doing it for aircraft components when done to vehicle items.
Hey Claviger.....i have a new avatar for you son!!!.....all the best with your repairs and we will all be watching and reading with interest!

Love it.

The fact I can do the work myself is what pisses me off so much about when it's done wrong, it's not that I can't, it's that I was paying for the luxury of not having to...

no more.
Agreed the R3 an amazing capable machine but it has it limitations. buy yourself a V max 1700 or B-king
Dude - not looking good.... and you already have the undercut gears.......
As far as I got today. Engine is free in the frame, just need to figure out to get it out of the frame lol.

No overhead structure I can use, need to think on this before I try and force something to work and end up breaking something.