Soft rear brake after recall

Everyone should speak up and file another NHTSA report. That's the only way to get it resolved. It's the only reason they've been forced into the ineffective recalls to replace the rear master cylinder (which did not fix the issue). Triumph has danced around buying them back so far. Watch this model get dropped after this run.
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It hasn't been very long since I had the rear master cylinder recall done and it's already back to the soft pedal again on first pump. It pumps up quicker and hasn't failed, but I don't think the air intrusion problem has been fully resolved. Just be sure to pump them up real good, like you should, before heading out.
It is a disgrace. A real safety issue. I wonder if it has killed or injured anyone. I also had the recall carried out, got on the bike today and no rear brake at all.
It's funny I didn't have the soft break issue. I take my bike in for the 10k service and they did the recall and now i have the stupid soft rear break issue. 🤬