So I put my 25" Clearview shield on today....


.020 Over
Jun 24, 2007
El Paso, TX
And I f'ing hate it. The top of the shield sits right in my eyeline. I'm thinking of getting rid of it and getting the 3" over stock, but we'll see. I've only ridden it the 3 miles to work tonight so I'll have to give it some more time but my gut feeling is I'll be ditching it. I'll have to get some highway miles under me and see how it protects my pillion- she's the one I bought it for in the first place- but I can't imagine looking over and under that thing until summer comes.

I picked it up on ebay for $122 plus shipping so thats what I'll be trying to sell it for if anyone is interested.
I have the 18X16 Windvest. I just got my seat back from RCP and I'm sitting alot higher now. Just about my whole head is above the wind screen and my helmet is really getting the buffeting now. ****e!
BSN, don't be so quick to get rid of it. Have you adjusted your mount? I believe it has about two inches of leeway. I had to do that. Also, you might consider it down a couple of inches if the mount adjustment doesn't work.

I know what you mean though. I once took my buddy's Road King for s spin and the top of the windscreen broke my vision. Most annoying.
BSN: As Mike says try to lower it, if not, might I suggest you sit on the bike, take a marker and mark the point on the windwhiled that you can see over, then get someone who can cut the windshield to the heighth you want saving you the pain in the butt of having to order a new one! Just a thought.

Native One
I rode home from work this morning (the whole 3 miles) and thought about it. There's some adjustment room available, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it work. I only plan on using it for trips and winter, so I should be ok.

Thanks for the tips, guys. idk, I was thinking about the Dremel last night, wasn't sure if I'd tear it up too bad. We'll see what happens, I just need to get used to it I think.
It takes some time to get used to, I sold mine because it felt too big, but when it was cold I was kicking myself..

adjust the fixing kit on the forks, adjust the pitch, play with it for a bit and see.
bsn06 said:
I rode home from work this morning (the whole 3 miles) and thought about it. There's some adjustment room available, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it work. I only plan on using it for trips and winter, so I should be ok.

Thanks for the tips, guys. idk, I was thinking about the Dremel last night, wasn't sure if I'd tear it up too bad. We'll see what happens, I just need to get used to it I think.

There are different ways to cut these shields safely. My buddy up in Canada does it all the time. He is a little on the short side and everytime he replaces the shield on his Road Glide he has the same problem as you have now. Have fun. You'll love the Clearview once you get it right. I believe it was Gr3ywolf who once noted that you could smoke a cigar and drink a cup of coffee behind it. :D
I have to admit the protection was pretty impressive. It was 25F when I rode home and I had my face shield up comfortably. Don't think I'll want to keep it on all the time- I like a little wind- but in the winter time I think once I get it adjusted right I'll be pretty happy with it.