The eights!

Now, it must be apparent to a slug (no ad hominems here) that I'm simply messin' wit ya's, for grins. Good to let loose a hornet in the bonnet on occasion. It should also be evident that I'm impervious to all this good cheer, geniality and bonhome! My armor is thick, along with my **** skull sometimes. But despite all these lavish entertainments and diversions we need to redirect: THINK CARPENTER RACING! You know, the origin of this meandering thread???


Silverbacks...not Gorilla's but very brawny bikes we all seem to like, despite our occasional lack of accord and chivalry. Mine included. Must confess, I always liked a good twister!:cool: However, all this bile is stinging my shapely bare ankles and discoloring my pedicure. Redirect. Next gen track rod into the eights! Imagine that!!!:eek:
Long Pig

Oh God the ants are lucky for humans smell like bacon under the glare of the glass.

Interesting. Evokes an engaging memory from my days in Hawaiian archeology. Seems the pre-contact Hawaiians were cannibalistic. Not unusual among Polynesians, Micronesians and Melanesians. It was an honor to devour ones fallen foes. Pieces of war chiefs were distributed among the ali'i and even Captain Cook, when finally overcome, was salted and partially munched! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, maika'i no! Ono! They referred to human meat as LONG PIG. Just some for thought :D
Want to avoid wheelspin....

Want to avoid wheelspin? Then trike it....obvously too complicated for Dracul to comprehend with his over educated head up his A**. By having two wheels at the back its possible to convert the power of the engine into forward motion much easier than with one wheel. Simplessss....


  • Proper grip - Rocket trike.jpg
    Proper grip - Rocket trike.jpg
    62.4 KB · Views: 112
Hey Dracul. I'm surprised you are so bigoted as you are obviously an Honorary member of the Colorado Chapter of the Sugar Plum Fairies. As you said earlier in this thread you have admired other guys johnsons in gyms all over the US for 40 years. Sad. I was going to suggest that you got a pink Rocket, but then again you've probably already had one.
Trikey's and the wanker

Settle down lil' fella. I was only running your tiny brain for grins. Yes, trikes really suck and are suitable only for elderly women and old farts like you but hell, enjoy the ride. I just won't watch as you DRIVE by in/on that three wheeled CAR:D I'd be laughing too hard!

Back to REAL bikes and Carpenter please. NOT useless "trikey" toys, I for one would be too embarrassed to ever sit astride. Silly old curmudgeon, you probably would like me if we ever met. I'm not so bad for a 280 pound, magna cum laude anthroplogist turned cop turned landlord turned feckless old ****e-disturber; somewhat like you (sans the muscles and education obviously) methinks!:rolleyes: So funny. A guilty pleasure dribbling you around in this effortless fashion...but I'll stop. In a shootout among the deranged and ubtunded we would both be among the last fossils "standing" I reckon. :eek: Now relax, take some Prozac, pop a brew, read a comic book and don't be such a wanker:rolleyes:

So when is the inevitable showdown between Hombre and Art? Inquiring minds are all a-twitter!
I may barf..........

Want to avoid wheelspin? Then trike it....obvously too complicated for Dracul to comprehend with his over educated head up his A**. By having two wheels at the back its possible to convert the power of the engine into forward motion much easier than with one wheel. Simplessss....

This ...contraption... is an abomination:mad: Please keep the children away from this sacrilege! :D:D:D LMAO