Sorry chap, don't use juice. Typical ignorant and predictable comment. Yawn. Don't like trikes either. Not actually motorcycles. Period. End of story. ...and I actually have an education, unlike most here.

I worked **** hard earning my many academic credentials. The discipline garnered in three areas of competitive strength/fitness endeavors was immediately transferable to academia. As it is with many of my educated lifter friends. The Platonic Ideal: marriage of mind and body. Excellence and perfection of form. This ridiculous forum is where I go to have a bit of fun. Stir the proverbial pot. Ruffle some feathers. Amusing in a vapid, escapist sort of way! Like I've "said" before, I NEVER take any of this virtual rubbish seriously or to heart. A few corrections are compulsory on occasion, a bit of ***** slapping mandated. But hell, it's all in the spirit of entertainment. I have to assist Phil after all
But I DO like Carpenter! Also, on the other end of the continuum HOMBRE and his remarkable steed. Truly amazing and the real deal. Trikes are NOT the real deal; unless V-8 powered Monsters of the Midway!
Throw down or get out of my way. My mantra.
Don't like it...or me...tough. I'll not be losing any sleep over it in any event. When I'm incapable of riding a proper two wheeler I'll retire from the avocation entirely. I'm long overdue for a change anyway. Don't much care for many flat-headed bikers and their idiotic simplicity generally even when I'm feeling charitable. Of course, there are notable exceptions. I do miss HF. He was the real deal. A rarity. There ARE about a score of ya I respect and admire.
BUT Ultimately, This Forum is
NOT important people. Not going to change the world, cure cancer or solve vexing geopolitical roadblocks. Biker B.S.

ENTERTAINMENT at best. At worst...I'll spare you my reflections. Let's not get all frothy at the mouth and rabid. Sheesh! Belligerent Bantams all funny.
...and yes...for the most part these are indeed "poor pages"

I agree with THAT characterization without reservation! Any "rot" I add only contributes marginally to the general quagmire hereabouts. IMHO. Except for the useful tech stuff, the poignant stuff (HF tributes, etc.) and the "purty pictures"!!!!!! Don't mean to deliberately offend, though, I suppose. Glad I can walk and my many surgeries have been reasonably successful. At 61 I'm more fit than most 20 year olds. Effort and indefatigable will serve well. Very little tolerance for bull****e or horsehite which is abundant at most biker sites. Nature of the surly beast I reckon.
I actually wish you all well. Hope certain of you can obtain some formal education. Learn to spell. Would be helpful. Life should be eclectic and existential at the end of the day. Challenging. Live each day fully...and always stand your ground. Sempir Vincit...Peace and flowers

.........(ah, the delicious contradictions and contrasts) Be more than the sum of your parts kiddies.