
Originally Posted by TriumPhil Link Removed
The 240 kitted "drag" bike (which has been pumped up to 260+hp is expected to run in the mid 8s with a little more effective front wheel control! I suspect that a 400 rear wheel hp version won't do it due to wheel spin (unusable hp on the track) without some crazy mods.

Canberra said
Probably need a car tyre............. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

400hp & car tyre is already here ~
I read this thread for the first time from my phone a couple hours ago. Interesting how comments seemed different from a mobile device than they do a couple hours later from my laptop in a hotel room.

Although it is common for riders to needlessly judge others, I also suggest that one should not feel it necessary to justify what they ride. While I'm responsible for a significant amount of motorcycle content that include facts and details, the irony is we all ride what is enjoyable to ourselves. External factors are a normal part of a buying decision, but we still make the choice on what is fun for our own circumstances.

I was browsing through a few used motorcycles last month and noticed an interesting sportbike. I didn't want to be rude to another rider staring at the same bike and asked him if he was doing a deal to buy it; and he responded that he "grew out" of that phase a long time ago ... and then went on to describe how mature he was now. I was offended a bit, because he was at least 10 years younger than me, but felt it was best to just listen. There could have been several reasons why he went out of his way to make that statement; some of which may have had nothing to do with age.

There are times when listening is best; even if the comments are questionable sometimes folks just want to be heard.

I'll bet a decent stereo and iPod setup could be built on this trike
wow and i thought tphil was a douche bag poser.. kinda like carter now.. in 2nd position

Nah, Sam the Sham. You clearly have me confused with that POS you see every time you look in the mirror.

Phil I see you found some more good smoke
More horse power creates more squat which flattens the motorcycle tire out on the pavement giving more traction not less. If the tire would have spun I would not have tore the spring post towers off my inner clutch hub shifting into 4th at 135 and into fifth at 175+mph.

Now I understand your confusion, sense you bike was tamed down by you dealer's inability to get the timing right between the cams and the crank. What did you get on the dyno 100 to 110 hp. ?
Duh... my bad , Scott. I now understand more correctly that the extra hp translates into the front wheel flying, not the rear wheel spinning.

I do look forward to getting back the hp that my dealer robbed me of so that I might be able to do either, though!
What the F***.

I just love C3's signature I have never seen a situation so miserable that cannot be made worse by the presence of a police officer...Ya I really don't care for them either. Give them a high school education and gun and I'm not sure what happens to their math skills, 4 inches does not equal 10 inches. Besides all of this what kind of idiot owns a pit bull?
Personally I would retract this rant and apologize if I were to have such a temporary lapse of reason.
Just my 2 cents.
Not Contrite

Ease up on the steroid use there, big fella. I might also suggest big, deep breaths, followed by some introspection as to why you choose to grace these poor pages with rot.

Sorry chap, don't use juice. Typical ignorant and predictable comment. Yawn. Don't like trikes either. Not actually motorcycles. Period. End of story. ...and I actually have an education, unlike most here. I worked **** hard earning my many academic credentials. The discipline garnered in three areas of competitive strength/fitness endeavors was immediately transferable to academia. As it is with many of my educated lifter friends. The Platonic Ideal: marriage of mind and body. Excellence and perfection of form. This ridiculous forum is where I go to have a bit of fun. Stir the proverbial pot. Ruffle some feathers. Amusing in a vapid, escapist sort of way! Like I've "said" before, I NEVER take any of this virtual rubbish seriously or to heart. A few corrections are compulsory on occasion, a bit of ***** slapping mandated. But hell, it's all in the spirit of entertainment. I have to assist Phil after all

But I DO like Carpenter! Also, on the other end of the continuum HOMBRE and his remarkable steed. Truly amazing and the real deal. Trikes are NOT the real deal; unless V-8 powered Monsters of the Midway!

Throw down or get out of my way. My mantra.
Don't like it...or me...tough. I'll not be losing any sleep over it in any event. When I'm incapable of riding a proper two wheeler I'll retire from the avocation entirely. I'm long overdue for a change anyway. Don't much care for many flat-headed bikers and their idiotic simplicity generally even when I'm feeling charitable. Of course, there are notable exceptions. I do miss HF. He was the real deal. A rarity. There ARE about a score of ya I respect and admire. BUT Ultimately, This Forum is NOT important people. Not going to change the world, cure cancer or solve vexing geopolitical roadblocks. Biker B.S. ENTERTAINMENT at best. At worst...I'll spare you my reflections. Let's not get all frothy at the mouth and rabid. Sheesh! Belligerent Bantams all funny.

...and yes...for the most part these are indeed "poor pages" I agree with THAT characterization without reservation! Any "rot" I add only contributes marginally to the general quagmire hereabouts. IMHO. Except for the useful tech stuff, the poignant stuff (HF tributes, etc.) and the "purty pictures"!!!!!! Don't mean to deliberately offend, though, I suppose. Glad I can walk and my many surgeries have been reasonably successful. At 61 I'm more fit than most 20 year olds. Effort and indefatigable will serve well. Very little tolerance for bull****e or horsehite which is abundant at most biker sites. Nature of the surly beast I reckon.

I actually wish you all well. Hope certain of you can obtain some formal education. Learn to spell. Would be helpful. Life should be eclectic and existential at the end of the day. Challenging. Live each day fully...and always stand your ground. Sempir Vincit...Peace and flowers.........(ah, the delicious contradictions and contrasts) Be more than the sum of your parts kiddies.

Sounds like you got it all together .... Almost super human .... Educated, tall, strong, and still flexible enough to pat yourself on the back at a moments notice .... I find it very odd that someone that has all that going on for them is such a judgmental and bitter person.

So like most other that read you pompous dribble and self promotion I would like to call BULL**** because I not sure I believe a word you say.

Ps sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors ... I am not quite as educated as you say you are....
I guess i vetter stai quiot, i was forsed to kuit skool at 7th grade, i gusee i will never be at the same level with the great vampire