Some may indeed shock you. Just as there giants among us, so too are giant trouser serpents lurking below in some instances. Some notable **** stars can tie theirs in knots and they still are large
Mostly, the porky boys show the least meat, by and
Maybe that's why the fatties are often so darn angry with the world and become demagogue radio jocks, like ole' Limpballs. Also, my dear, the size of a man's Johnson is not necessarily proportional to his overall body stature or girth. Big men can carry pea shooters and midgets can be tripods! Generally, the "brothers" have it hangin' heaviest but there are exceptions sweetie. Polynesians and Asians are rather modestly equipped from what I've seen in the dozens of gyms I've been in over 40 years and several states. Hispanics and whites are about equally disposed, on average. I suppose somewhere on line you could fine some truly heroic specimens...I'll leave that inquiry solely to you dear girl