Signal Flasher Relay Orientation

LED Flasher

When I switched to LED blinkers, I bought an electronic flasher. It didn't work. Finally pulled out the schematic and tracked it down. Had to switch the black and orange wires in the socket. All worked OK. Don't know if Triumph does not conform to the standard or what??
Pig9r, I didn't do the taillight at this time. I haven't done any research on it. My main goal here was to relocate the plate structure hanging below the fender.

But now that you bring it up, what would be the best solution? I assume a clear LED 1157 replacement would be the ticket, right?

Pype2l, I built a little harness to switch the plugs and it still didn't work with the 2 electronic flashers that I bought. So I resorted to the load equalizer and it works like a champ. I would have rather gone with the electronic flasher but I'm satisfied with the arrangement now.